
In: Psychology

The limbic system is: A) made up of the hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala, B) involved in...

The limbic system is:

A) made up of the hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala, B) involved in memory, emotion and regulation of “drives” C) may have a large impact on the qualities we know as “personality” D) all of the above E) none of the above

The cerebrum is:

A) part of what separates us from other animals B) covered by indentations called “fissures” which indicate the amount of neural activity the brain has processed C) both of the above

Reflexes in the newborn serve which function(s)?

A) maintain oxygen levels C) Manage feeding B) maintain body temperature D) all of the above

The biggest problem facing newborn babies world wide is:

A) inadequate health care C) inadequate parenting B) malnutrition D) none of the above

Piaget’s stages of Sensorimotor development suggest beginning development of which of the following psychological components:

A) focus on self C) development of fantasy C) focus on others/environment D) all of the above Language development begins: A) at birth C) with babbling B) at 1 year D) with the first spoken word

In Freud’s theory of PsychoSexual Development, he proposes that growth comes from the conflict between:

A) the id, ego and super ego C) Eros and thanatos B) the wish to fulfill our desires and reason D) all of the above

Erikson’s theory of personality development:

A) is a psychodynamic theory B) postulates that development results from mastery of certain tasks which result from trying to negotiate two opposing forces C) is a stage theory D) all of the above

Which of the following were found in Ainsworth’s “Strange Situation” study?

A) a positive correlation between parenting style and type of attachment B) longitudinal data collected over a year C) in-home study and documentation of subjects D) all of the above

Attachment Theory states that attachment is a process that:

A) occurs at the moment of birth C) is irreversible B) can be changed by relationship and life circumstance D) none of the above


_____ The diet recommended as being best for babies is breastmilk.

_____ Learning theory states that personality is molded by reinforcement and punishment from the environment.

_____ Erikson theorizes that in the first two stages of psychosocial development, children assess the safety of the world, begin determining whether or not making choices is a good thing, and begin developing self-control.

_____ Class discussion and articles on early brain development suggests that high levels of cortisol, a hormone the body produces under stress, helps children learn better and increases their brain development.

_____ Class discussion and articles on infant crying stated that high levels of coritsol “damage brain cells and impair memory”.

_____ Piaget’s theories rely on information about the individual, biology and experience, while Vygotsy’s rely on cultural processes.

_____ Children repeatedly ask for feedback on their performance only when they are insecure and being abused.


Which of the following has the biggest impact on developing adequate levels of prosocial behavior?

A) cognitive development B) physical development C) emotional regulation D) gender

Which of the following types of aggression could indicate probable problems in emotional regulation AND an authoritarian parenting style in the home?

A) instrumental B) reactive C) relational D) bullying


Expert Solution

1. The correct answer is D. All of the above.

The lambic system constitutes a ‘ring’ of organs in the brain and includes the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdaloid and cingulate gurus. These glands are responsible for regulating the biological drives( hypothalamus), experience and expressions of emotions ( amygdala), memory ( the hippocampus), and personality traits such as aggressiveness, friendliness, pleasure, etc.

2. C. Both are correct

Unlike other species, The cerebrum in human beings is marked by several fissures or deep folds which are a result of evolutionary development of the human brain over centuries and it has rendered greater complexity to human mental functioning.

3. C) manage feeding

Reflected such as rooting reflex, sucking, etc. help the baby find the breast or bottle to begin feeding.

4. A) inadequate health care

According to UNICEF, Around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted due to lack of pediatric health facilities in developing countries which leads to poor infantile health later on.

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