
In: Psychology

this what the professor ask to do. Choose one of the poets that we have covered...

this what the professor ask to do. Choose one of the poets that we have covered this semester. Then, choose 3 or 4 poems from that poet. You may choose any poems that you want, whether in our eText or from another source, but be sure to use proper citations for each of them. In a full literary analysis, complete one of the following options: A) Discuss how the poet’s life has influenced his or her poetry. You may find context from his or her childhood, personal experiences, etc. and link them to poems of your choice. Be careful not to give me five pages of biography! B) Discuss a common thread that links multiple poems from the same author (themes, symbolism, settings, etc.). C) Integrate choices A and B into a fully developed thesis.

This is my essay and I chose to Discuss a common thread that links multiple poems from the same author (themes, symbolism, settings)

Pablo Neruda is one of the poet who has revolutionize the world by his works, his poems and his action. He was a man of character, a leader who will stand and defend the cause of his people. As a poet, he has expressed his feelings, his thoughts by writing. As a politician, he has spoke for the people who were not able to defend their right and had the great opportunity to perform his duty as a citizen. He was a leader of great imagination who get to involved in important decisions of his country, a charismatic leader who has used his powerful word to make a difference to people’s life. Born in born July 12, 1904, Parral Chile, Pablo Neruda who the real name was Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto was the son of José del Carmen Reyes, a railway worker, and Rosa Basoalto. His mother died within a month of Neruda’s birth, and two years later the family moved to Temuco, a small town farther south in Chile, where his father remarried. He started to write poems when he was only 10 years old but he father was not agree with his passion to pursue the literature field and never encourage him to proceed in the field of poetry, which is why as a young poet, he published his works under the pseudonym Pablo Neruda, which he was legally to adopt in 1946. The political and poetic ceremony were the two events that has occupied mostly the life of Pablo Neruda. Many of the poems in is collection were about sorrow, heartbreaking or suffering. May be, he was just reflecting the experience of his life. The poet knew that publishing poems under his name will be a bi trouble for him since his father was opposed to that field. He has used a false name to publish a lot of wonderful and powerful poems. Poems with strong word, poems that gives hope to his fellow citizens also poems that speak his feelings. Throughout his collections of poems, three of them have really catch my attention, Keeping Quiet, Leaning into the Afternoons and the Body of a Woman which we going to have a full literary analysis. Poetry must be useful, it must change the world, says Neruda, these three poems when being analyzed have great life lesson that people can follow in order to make a positive change in their lives. Pablo Neruda’s poems were very well known among people as his poems were about emotions, romance with eroticism and the belongingness among people. Poetry was a form that Pablo Neruda has used to explain what was going wrong in his life and in the society in the literature form which got him in many troubles. I like Keeping Quiet this is a wonderful poem where the poet speaks about the power that we find in quietness. The poet mention: For once on the face of the earth, let’s not speak in any language; let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness Perhaps the earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now I’ll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go. In this poem, the poet points out the importance of keeping Quiet. In this trouble world, we need sometimes to take the time to keep quiet and think well about our moves. I believe that the poet is trying to tell his readers that quiet they can think properly, discover their weakness, their strength. We live in a world of many languages, a world of confusion, Keeping Quiet is the only way for us to have a clear mind and think properly. Discover our abilities to accomplish thing that we will never think about to achieve when there is no Quietness. Keeping Quiet is the opportunity that we have to open deeply our mind and analyze our lives and the things that we have done. I can say that this is a state of clean up, where we throw all the stress, the anxieties, the depression and pick up our strength to face life. Pablo Neruda in this poem has clearly indicate to his readers the benefits of keeping Quiet. Leaning into the afternoons is another important poem where the poet sadly pours out his heart throughout his writing. The poet, Pablo Neruda sadly describes his feelings of being separated with the love of his life through magnificent oceanic and natural imagery when he has written: " Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets towards your oceanic eyes. I send out red signals across your absent eyes that smell like the sea or the beach by a lighthouse. " Again, in this poem, the poet tries to get our attention concerning Quietness. Leaning into the afternoon when the sun goes down close to the ocean and listening the waves of the sea going back and front is a type of meditation where people can meditate clearly. He is far away from the noise, from the turbulence of the world and find a place of Reflection and meditations on the past in order to fix our future. “the Body of a Woman” a poem that Pablo Neruda has used to describes the body of a woman that he loved. He used these words in the poem by saying: Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs, you look like a world, lying in surrender Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk. Oh, the goblets of the breast! Oh, the eyes of absence! Oh, the roses of the pubis! Oh, your voice, slow and sad! Body of a woman, I will persist in your grace. My thirst, my boundless desire, my shifting road! Even though this poem celebrates the ‘body of a woman’, it also carries an undertone of infinite longing – an existential awareness of the distance between lovers, as well as the ways in which we use love, sex, and ‘connection’ as a method of survival in this world. ( In the poem the Body of Woman, Pablo Neruda compare the Earth to woman and woman is the earth. This poem describes deeply Pablo Neruda's intense need to love, as he compares this milky white lover of his as important as the earth upon which we all live and the preservation of her and of love are causes worth fighting for. ( Pablo Neruda has always used poems in order to express his feelings. The Body of a Woman was not excluded from the list. The poet, Pablo Neruda has used the body of a woman as a metaphor for the earth. He is saying that the woman is the earth - Mother Earth, giver of live. for this woman, that he loves. These three poems “Keeping Quiet”, “Leaning into the Afternoons” and “the Body of a Woman” have something in common, a connection within them. The poet throughout his writing always point out love and nature. These two things have been referred a lot by the poet in these three poems. Even though each of them has touch a different aspect of life, in which are relatable to everyone. we can gather from Pablo’s literature works the experienced he has with both good and bad things that happened in his life and which was reflected in his poetry. We had learned many significant things about Pablo from his poem’s, we had learned that Pablo had experienced a connection with love nature and politics. These emotions and feelings are intertwined with Pablo’s Poems “Keeping Quiet”, “Leaning into the afternoons” and “The body of a woman “are three wonderful poems that are interconnected and at the same time they have different view which make the readers very anxious to read them. The difference within them make their beauty, each poem is special in his own way.

This is the teacher correction. Overall, this essay has two major issues: focus and development. With respect to focus, my concern is that in many places it is unclear whether you are addressing any of the prompts (A, B, C) from the assignment description. You do touch on a few items from A and B, but shift between the two throughout the essay, with no clear map of what will happen laid out in the introduction. With respect to development, a potentially bigger concern is that the actual analysis carried out in the essay is extremely vague, making sweeping or shallow statements without any explanation of what in the poems leads you to believe what you argue about them and the poet. Answering the questions I pose in the comments should help on both of these fronts.

Can you please help me with the essay?


Expert Solution

pablo neruda is a revolutionary poet. he has leadership qualities and has always stood for his people. he was also a polituician. he fulfilled his responsibility as a politician and defended the rights of people and has spoken for them as and when reqauired. he also considered this as his duty beiing the citizen of the country. he got involved into the important decisions of his country as he used his powers to make adifference in the lives of people. he was born on 12w july 1904 to a railway worker and his mother dies within a month of this. after this they moved to temuco and his father remarred within the next 2 years. the major life events in his life were political or poetic only. he used to write poems from the age of 10. his father did not like this and hence never encouraged him to pursue literature and succeed in poetry. this made him take a pseudo name or the pen name of pablo neruda. he was aware that if he would publish poems under his name it would land him in trouble as his father wont like it. hence he used a false name. being a polirtician who worked for the people he has written many poems using strong words. these poems lightened fire of hope n the fellow citizens. they also were attached to his emotions as he wanted to fulfill his duty as a citizen by making a difference in the lives of other people. a lot of his works were full of sorrow or sufferrings and were heartbreaking. this was because ghis experience in life was the same with his mother dying after birth and then dealing with his step mother and the fight for his passion against his father etc. all this has really determined his writings and it gets reflected in them. Throughout his collections of poems, three of them have really catch my attention, Keeping Quiet, Leaning into the Afternoons and the Body of a Woman which we going to have a full literary analysis. all 3 of them have the great lessons of life which can help one bring positive changes in their lives. the main heme of his poems was an explanation to the wrongs of the society and life as well emotions like romance and eroticism. he has used an emotional setting to describe the goods and bads of the society in almost all the poems. the symbol here is that he has explained the emotional as well as the situational issues by using the emotions we face as the key point in almost all his poems. on a peronal note , I like Keeping Quiet this is a wonderful poem where the poet speaks about the power that we find in quietness. The poet mention: For once on the face of the earth, let’s not speak in any language; let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness Perhaps the earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now I’ll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go. In this poem, the poet points out the importance of keeping Quiet by explaining the emotions of sadness etc in various circumstances and how to overcome that. In this trouble world, we need sometimes to take the time to keep quiet and think well about our moves. I believe that the poet is trying to tell his readers that quiet they can think properly, discover their weakness, their strength. We live in a world of many languages, a world of confusion, Keeping Quiet is the only way for us to have a clear mind and think properly. Discover our abilities to accomplish thing that we will never think about to achieve when there is no Quietness. Keeping Quiet is the opportunity that we have to open deeply our mind and analyze our lives and the things that we have done. I can say that this is a state of clean up, where we throw all the stress, the anxieties, the depression and pick up our strength to face life. Pablo Neruda in this poem has clearly indicate to his readers the benefits of keeping Quiet. Leaning into the afternoons is another important poem where the poet sadly pours out his heart throughout his writing. The poet, Pablo Neruda sadly describes his feelings of being separated with the love of his life through magnificent oceanic and natural imagery when he has written: " Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets towards your oceanic eyes. I send out red signals across your absent eyes that smell like the sea or the beach by a lighthouse. " Again, in this poem, the poet tries to get our attention concerning Quietness merged wth the sadness which is because of loss of a loved one. Leaning into the afternoon when the sun goes down close to the ocean and listening the waves of the sea going back and front is a type of meditation where people can meditate clearly. He is far away from the noise, from the turbulence of the world and find a place of Reflection and meditations on the past in order to fix our future. “the Body of a Woman” a poem that Pablo Neruda has used to describes the body of a woman that he loved. He used these words in the poem by saying: Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs, you look like a world, lying in surrender Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk. Oh, the goblets of the breast! Oh, the eyes of absence! Oh, the roses of the pubis! Oh, your voice, slow and sad! Body of a woman, I will persist in your grace. My thirst, my boundless desire, my shifting road! Even though this poem celebrates the ‘body of a woman’, it also carries an undertone of infinite longing – an existential awareness of the distance between lovers, as well as the ways in which we use love, sex, and ‘connection’ as a method of survival in this world. ( In the poem the Body of Woman, Pablo Neruda compare the Earth to woman and woman is the earth. This poem describes deeply Pablo Neruda's intense need to love, as he compares this milky white lover of his as important as the earth upon which we all live and the preservation of her and of love are causes worth fighting for. ( Pablo Neruda has always used poems in order to express his feelings. The Body of a Woman was not excluded from the list. The poet, Pablo Neruda has used the body of a woman as a metaphor for the earth. He is saying that the woman is the earth - Mother Earth, giver of live. for this woman, that he loves. These three poems “Keeping Quiet”, “Leaning into the Afternoons” and “the Body of a Woman” have something in common, a connection within them. The poet throughout his writing always point out love and nature. These two things have been referred a lot by the poet in these three poems. Even though each of them has touch a different aspect of life, in which are relatable to everyone. we can gather from Pablo’s literature works the experienced he has with both good and bad things that happened in his life and which was reflected in his poetry. We had learned many significant things about Pablo from his poem’s, we had learned that Pablo had experienced a connection with love nature and politics. These emotions and feelings are intertwined with Pablo’s Poems “Keeping Quiet”, “Leaning into the afternoons” and “The body of a woman “are three wonderful poems that are interconnected and at the same time they have different view which make the readers very anxious to read them. The difference within them make their beauty, each poem is special in his own way. the setting,symbol and theme of the poems is almost the same. this helps us get a better understanding of them if we see how they got influemced by the political and the emotional phases of the poet so as to create an effcetive piece of work with message for the desired change hiden in the emotional issues it would accompany with itself.

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