
In: Biology

topic; population dynamics Using two examples, explain why it is important for scientists to track the...

topic; population dynamics

Using two examples, explain why it is important for scientists to track the population of Canadian species? 

- why is it important to track the population of Canadian species ?


Expert Solution

Examples of canadian species undergoing declination at faster rate

Peregrine Falcon :- Many populations of peregrine falcons in Canada were wiped out by organochlorine chemicals such as DDT and PCBs, which cause various problems, like reducing calcium in eggshells therefore they break under the weight of the parent sitting on them.

Greater Prairie-Chicken :- when vast amounts of prairie grassland were converted to cultivated crops, the habitat was no longer suitable for it and the species disappeared from its Canadian range

Atlantic Whitefish :- The Atlantic whitefish was only “discovered” as a distinct species in 1967. They are limited to the watersheds of the Tusket River and Petite Rivière in southernNova Scotia. Both populations are endangered. In the Tusket River, a dam built in 1929 blocked the Atlantic whitefish's spawning migration to and from the sea. In the Petite Rivière, introduced fish, such as the smallmouth bass, have affected the Atlantic whitefish population. More recently, acid rain may be affecting the habitat of the Atlantic whitefish.

The other examples of endangered canadian species are

Peary caribou

Eastern cougar

Vancouver Island marmot

Sea otter

Bowhead whale

Beluga whale

It is very important to track the population of canadian species beacuse they are declining at a faster rate which may soon result to the disappearence of the species from Canada.

In addition its necessary to findthe cause behind the declination so that the species can be saved from being a part of species belonging to Special Concern category.

Reasons for why is it important to track the population of Canadian species

50% of species are in decline from 1970 to 2014. for each species the declination goes to 83% when some of them were studies.

Listed populations have continued to decline by an average of 28% though SARA was adopted.

Habitat loss is the greatest threat to species in Canada, from forestry, agriculture, urbanization and industrial development.

The species from canada are used to the normal cold temperature but the Oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, seasons are shifting. Due to which the Species are being affected for example  the most vulnerable are long-lived, slow to reproduce, require specialized habitats and foods, and are unable to move in response.

Including sewage effluent and agricultural runoff, plastic waste and microplastics are found in waterbodies which again threatens the species existance

Wolverines at the southern and eastern portions of their Canadian range are experiencing habitat loss and fragmentation due to both climate change and increasing development, in addition to shortage of food as woodland caribou populations decline.

Therefore tracking the species and studying the main cause can help reduce the declination.

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