
In: Computer Science

Please read the following article to reflect on the ethical challenges with providing some of your...

Please read the following article to reflect on the ethical challenges with providing some of your own professional and personal experiences: NO SCREENSHOTS. NO PLAGIARISM


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In today's world of Information Technology where we can reach almost every device and person using that device using the global network and its services. This capability of reaching to devices and persons using these devices puts a big question mark on the ethical use of protocol and services available in cyberspace. Information collected over the cyberspace plays major role in deciding whether an action is ethical or unethical.

Now, lets some thoughtful insights on the 5 ethical challenges to Information technology as mentioned in the given article.

Ethical Challenge 1 : Security

Security is a kind of concept which can be implemented not only by Information technology industry but also by every industry and business irrespective of whether its small cap , mid cap and large cap business. On the other hand, in or personal life we always cherish important aspects of term called Security in terms of finance, health, stability and many more.

In such times where Information technology provided us with many facilities at our fingertips, it brings the level of threats present in cyberspace to our door steps. Many people who are having good understanding of technology and its applications can use our information present on internet against us. Such kind of information can be collected directly or indirectly. Hackers can use IP addresses to know about our location and service providers. After knowing IP address they can reach to our personal devices like Laptop, Mobile phones to steal our information. For stealing the information, stored cookies plays as primary resource, because cookies and help hackers to reveal our passwords and usernames. This results into indirect collection of information. Nowadays, we mostly use online banking for the purpose of payments of bill and any other financial transactions. Every banking system always try to provide the best security solutions to its customers and their own infrastructure. On the other hand, hackers are implementing new ways to exploit such systems using various tools and methodologies. This might results heavy losses for banks as well as its customers.

Ethical Challenge 2 : Privacy Issues

This online world of Internet opened many doors for our entertainment, curiosity and many more things. It provides us tremendous amount of unrestricted access to such information. unfortunately this costs us in terms of not only money but also our freedom of privacy. We use social media like twitter, facebook, snapchat etc. The whole purpose of using these is to connect with our family and friends, sometimes we can make new friends. we post our pictures and videos of celebrations like birthdays and festivals on social media but this kind of can be used to gain access to our private collection of data. Like, birthdays can be used to crack passwords of social accounts and devices which are connected to global networks. One can steal our personal information and blackmail us or post it online as hate crime. Nowadays, such incidents occur more often irrespective of countries. People are using private information as a tool for remote crimes. So one needs to be careful when it comes to accessing and providing information on social media.

Ethical Challenge 3 : Copyright Infringement

Access to various online platforms developed for entertainment, knowledge sharing etc. is a good initiative to approach and attract global customers. In initial days it was profitable to both customers and content providers. Nowadays, people are exploiting the vulnerabilities of such content providers and accessing desired information. It has not stopped here only, by accessing such information and data, these people who are good at exploiting online services providing this information for free to every person in the world. Pirated copies of Movies, Tv shows, books, music etc are made available on various platforms like torrents and other data upload sites. This killing the business of original developers and content providers. Not only softwares but their authentic keys and passwords are also made available for free. We can find tons userids and passwords on various applications like Telegram. Respective governments who oppose such acts are trying many ways to ban these applications and sites but such efforts are still in vein because people always find another way.

Ethical Challenge 4 : Increased Pressure on IT experts

In order to stay alive in todays competitive environment businesses are running 24 hours a day. Its their responsibility to provide support and solution for every occurrence of issue irrespective of time, otherwise business can loose clients and money in billioins. As a result of this, companies assigning work in various shifts to almost all employees. This is affecting personal and social life of many employees, even of they are trying to keep the work and life balance, its getting worst day by day. Such changes in lifestyle affecting physical and mental health of many employees. Government and Industries should work together to find a way out.

Ethical Challenge 5 : Digital Divide

Information Technology and its services presented many opportunities to developed as well as developing countries. As technology changes these countries needs people who can learn and implement new technologies. In order to achieve this many companies arranging training session for their employees, so that companies can use their knowledge to get project and reputation irrespective of costs. On the other hand, developing countries dont have basic facilities in rural areas where people dont have access to good education. There is very limited access to computers and internet. We are saying technology is developing day by day but in such areas students dont even get a chance to learn about basic technologies.    


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