
In: Computer Science

Create a GUI application in C# that calculates and displays the total travel expenses of a...

Create a GUI application in C# that calculates and displays the total travel expenses of a business person on a trip. Here is the information that the user must provide:

• Number of days on the trip

• Amount of airfare, if any

• Amount of car rental fees, if any

• Number of miles driven, if a private vehicle was used

• Amount of parking fees, if any

• Amount of taxi charges, if any

• Conference or seminar registration fees, if any

• Lodging charges, per night

The company reimburses travel expenses according to the following policy:

• $37 per day for meals

• Parking fees, up to $10.00 per day

• Taxi charges up to $20.00 per day

• Lodging charges up to $95.00 per day

• If a private vehicle is used, $0.27 per mile driven.

The application should calculate and display the following:

• Total expenses incurred by the businessperson

• The total allowable expenses for the trip

• The excess that must be paid by the businessperson, if any

• The amount saved by the businessperson if the expenses were under the total allowed


Expert Solution

Here is the code and please let me know if any errors occurs.

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class TravelExpenses extends JFrame



private JPanel travelInfoPanel;

private JPanel buttonPanel;

private JLabel numDaysOnTripLabel;

private JLabel amountAirfairLabel;

private JLabel amountCarRentalLabel;

private JLabel milesDrivenLabel;

private JLabel parkingFeesLabel;

private JLabel taxiFeesLabel;

private JLabel confRegLabel;

private JLabel lodgingChargesPerNightLabel;

private JTextField numDaysOnTripTextField;

private JTextField amountAirfairTextField;

private JTextField amountCarRentalTextField;

private JTextField milesDrivenTextField;

private JTextField parkingFeesTextField;

private JTextField taxiFeesTextField;

private JTextField confRegTextField;

private JTextField lodgingChargesPerNightTextField;

private JButton resetButton;

private JButton calcButton;

private double mealsAmount = 37.00;

private double parkingFeesReimbursed = 10.00;

private double taxiChargesReimbursed = 20.00;

private double lodgingChargesReimbursed = 95.00;

private double prVechiclePerMileReimbursed = 0.27;

public TravelExpenses()


super("Travel Expenses");



setLayout(new BorderLayout());



add(travelInfoPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);






private void buildTravelInfoPanel()


numDaysOnTripLabel = new JLabel("Number of days on trip: ");

amountAirfairLabel = new JLabel("Amount of airfair: ");

amountCarRentalLabel = new JLabel("Amount of car rental: ");

milesDrivenLabel = new JLabel("Miles driven: ");

parkingFeesLabel = new JLabel("Parking Fees: ");

taxiFeesLabel = new JLabel("Taxi fees: ");

confRegLabel = new JLabel("Conference registration: ");

lodgingChargesPerNightLabel = new JLabel("Lodging charges per night: ");

numDaysOnTripTextField = new JTextField(3);

amountAirfairTextField = new JTextField(8);

amountCarRentalTextField = new JTextField(8);

milesDrivenTextField = new JTextField(4);

parkingFeesTextField = new JTextField(6);

taxiFeesTextField = new JTextField(6);

confRegTextField = new JTextField(8);

lodgingChargesPerNightTextField = new JTextField(6);

travelInfoPanel = new JPanel();

travelInfoPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10, 2));

















travelInfoPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 1, 10));

private void buildButtonPanel()

calcButton = new JButton("Calculate");

calcButton.addActionListener(new CalcButtonListener());

resetButton = new JButton("Reset");

buttonPanel = new JPanel();

buttonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5));

buttonPanel.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST);

buttonPanel.add(calcButton, BorderLayout.CENTER);

buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 10, 10, 10));


private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener


String input;

int days;

double air;

double carRental;

double miles;

double parking;

double taxi;

double confReg;

double lodging;

double mealsAmount;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


double actualExpenses;

double milesExpenses;

double allowableExpenses;

double excessAir;

double excessCarRental;

double excessParking;

double excessTaxi;

double excessLodging;

double excessAmountTotal;

double amountSaved;

double paidBackAmount;

DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00");


private void getData()


days = Integer.parseInt(numDaysOnTripTextField.getText());

air = Double.parseDouble(amountAirfairTextField.getText());

carRental = Double.parseDouble(amountCarRentalTextField.getText());

miles = Double.parseDouble(milesDrivenTextField.getText());

parking = Double.parseDouble(parkingFeesTextField.getText());

taxi = Double.parseDouble(taxiFeesTextField.getText());

confReg = Double.parseDouble(confRegTextField.getText());

lodging = Double.parseDouble(lodgingChargesPerNightTextField.getText());


private void determineActualExpenses(double actualExpenses, double milesExpenses)


actualExpenses = air + carRental + parking + taxi + confReg + lodging;actualExpenses = actualExpenses + milesExpenses;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total expenses: " + "\n" +"Allowable expenses: " + "\n" +"\n" + "Amount to be paid back: ");


private class ResetButtonListener implements ActionListener


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)













public static void main(String[] args)


new TravelExpenses();



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