
In: Psychology

Chose (movie, or TV show) and identify 5-10 different psychological concepts you learned about in this...

Chose (movie, or TV show) and identify 5-10 different psychological concepts you learned about in this class that is demonstrated in your chosen (___). Do not simply summarize the (___); instead, make connections between selected psychological concepts and how they are demonstrated in your chosen (___).


Expert Solution

Major Psychological concept that is has been summarise and make connections in following way .


In the movie of "The soloist" schzophernia as a mental disorder , which confuse the individual in separating illusion what is real is highly interesting . It is cognitive difficulties and such kind hallucinations where proppe live in illusion world and doesn't take action in practically . In this movie a jouranilst who is home less and having mental Illness , posses extraordinary talent in music . Where another person meet with him and wants to write his story . But biggest problem is he ownself suffered such kind mental disorder .

Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar disorder is such kind mental problem which is extremely mood swings between emotionl high and low . In movie " infinitely Polar Bear " s troubled man struggle with manic depression and try to win his wife back in normal condition and become a sane father of two strong will daughter . Biopolar disorder breakdown relationship .

Post traumatic stress Disorder:

Here people are failed to recover himself after terrific accident. . In movie" Anerican snipper " one person come back home from war and had seen killed 200 People which really shocked him and such kind events leads to him in post traumatic stress disorder . This movie seen wonderfull therapies for recover the fact.

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