
In: Operations Management

1. Which level of training needs has arisen because of the arrival of the  4th industrial revolution...

1. Which level of training needs has arisen because of the arrival of the  4th industrial revolution (4IR)? Furthermore, explain the external factors that need to take into consideration due to the arrival of the 4IR. (12).

2. Compare the difference between a Workplace Skills Plan and Skills Audit Plan; also indicate which plan would be most suitable to integrate with the 4IR. (8).


Expert Solution

1. Which level of training needs has arisen because of the arrival of the  4th industrial revolution (4IR)? Furthermore, explain the external factors that need to take into consideration due to the arrival of the 4IR. (12).

Education model

Out of school or after school model

Non-profit model

governmental model


  1. In order to be ready and suitable for the challenges that life might pause in the future, falling back on the models of education plays a great role. Normally people get education that is actually less practical but instead is so bookish. During the formative years, the kind training of training given to a child is actually very important in paving the way for both the behavioral skills and cognitive of the child. The skills and social life learnt during this period greatly impacts the later stages of the child.
  2. The out of school programs or after school programs or models should be given high chances since they have become the humdinger in promoting and supporting youths in their journey of moving through and or from the school system into the job market and even beyond the school system. Besides, summer learning programs equally bestows a wonderful experience that is desired by employees in job candidates.
  3. Non-profit models such as the Non-governmental organizations which basically serves the purpose of connecting employees or people with their immediate society where youths can potentially garner the necessary skills and experience for employment. Non-profit models, through the NGOs programs is potentially capable of impacting a demand-driven model that will partner with other employees in preparing the youths for easy employment in the job market
  4. The model that primarily aimed at bringing together employers, education and youth received an overwhelming support from the government because it aimed at exploring learning needs and meeting the mandatory and very important future period or future time.

The external factors that needs to be considered due to the arrival of the 4IR are:

  1. Digital and internal bandwidth
  2. Interest and gender levels
  3. Literacy and social network
  4. International labor and job market
  5. Other factors, for example, hot spots, political unrest, and natural calamities

NB: These factors are majorly influenced by different factors and they stems on the present political and geographical scenarios.

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