
In: Computer Science

1- Write a class called MedicalStaff that is a Person (the class that you wrote in...

1- Write a class called MedicalStaff that is a Person (the class that you wrote in last lab). A MedicalStaff has specialty (i.e. Orthopedic, cardiology, etc.).

2- Then write two classes:

Doctor class has office visit fee.

Nurse class has title (i.e. RN, NP, etc.)

Both classes inherit from MedicalStaff.

Be sure these are all complete classes, including toString method.

3- Write a tester to test these classes and their methods, by creating an array or ArrayList of Person and adding different kinds of objects (MedicalStaff, Doctor, Nurse) to it.
Now that you know polymorphism, you don't need to create specific references for each object.

4- Print the list of Person items by calling toString method in a for-each loop.

The Person class was,

public class Person { // Decalring super class//
private String name; // attributes
private int birthYear;

public Person(String n, int y) { = n;
this.birthYear = y;

public Person() {
name = "";
birthYear = 0;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public int getbirthYear() {
return birthYear;

public void setbirthYear(int birthYear) {
this.birthYear = birthYear;

public String toString() {
return "Person [name=" + name + ", birthYear=" + birthYear + "]";



Expert Solution

Code is Given Below:



//creating MedicalStaff class
public class MedicalStaff extends Person {
   //declaring variable
   private String specialty;
   //declaring parameter constructor
   public MedicalStaff(String n, int y, String specialty) {
       super(n, y);//calling super constructor
       this.specialty = specialty;
   public MedicalStaff() {
   //getter and setter method
   public String getSpecialty() {
       return specialty;
   public void setSpecialty(String specialty) {
       this.specialty = specialty;
   //to string method
   public String toString() {
       return "MedicalStaff [specialty=" + specialty + ", Name=" + getName() + ",birthYear="
               + getbirthYear() + "]";



//creating Doctor class
public class Doctor extends MedicalStaff {
   //declaring variable
   private int visitFee;
   //declaring parameter constructor
   public Doctor(String n, int y, String specialty, int visitFee) {
       super(n, y, specialty);
       this.visitFee = visitFee;
   public Doctor() {
   //getter and setter method
   public int getVisitFee() {
       return visitFee;
   public void setVisitFee(int visitFee) {
       this.visitFee = visitFee;
   //to string method
   public String toString() {
       return "Doctor [visitFee=" + visitFee + ", Speci,Name=" + getName()
               + ", birthYear=" + getbirthYear() + "]";



//creating Nurse class
public class Nurse extends MedicalStaff {
   //declaring variable
   private String title;
   //declaring parameter constructor
   public Nurse(String n, int y, String specialty, String title) {
       super(n, y, specialty);
       this.title = title;
   public Nurse() {
   //getter and setter method
   public String getTitle() {
       return title;
   public void setTitle(String title) {
       this.title = title;
   //to string method
   public String toString() {
       return "Nurse [title=" + title + ", Specialty=" + getSpecialty() + ", Name=" + getName() + ", birthYear="+getbirthYear()+"]";



import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Tester {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //creating arraylist objects to hold Persons
       ArrayList<Person> persons=new ArrayList<Person>();
       //creating persons objects and adding it to ArrayList
       persons.add(new Doctor("John",1998,"Orthopedic",5000));
       persons.add(new MedicalStaff("Mike",1972,"cardiology"));
       persons.add(new Nurse("Julie",1991,"Orthopedic","RN"));
       //loop to print all persons info
       for(Person p:persons) {




Code Snapshot:


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