
In: Operations Management

Do you think that electronic companies should partner with organizations to inform e-waste procedures, legislation, or...

Do you think that electronic companies should partner with organizations to inform e-waste procedures, legislation, or rules?


Expert Solution

Electronic company refers to a company that manufactures and sells electronic items or goods. In the process of manufacturing such goods, a lot of waste is generated. E-waste includes a lot of precious metals as well. Even after following the principles of reusing, recycling and refurbishing, a lot of waste is still left without proper dumping.

Getting rid of e-waste is very important as it contains a lot of hazardous substances like lead and mercury. E-waste is harmful not only for humans, but also for environment. This waste disturbs the balance of ecosystem. This waste has both short-term as well as long-term effects. What would happen if companies are able to get rid of this waste? Getting rid of e-waste or even minimizing this waste can reduces green house gas emission. It can reduce pollution and prevent wastage of non-renewable resources. Not only at national level, but organizations at international levels have laid down a number of programs and campaigns that make people aware about the ways to reduce e-waste.

Treatment of e-waste is an important duty of every corporate. Even after a number of appeals by the government, many corporate neither treat their e-waste nor reduce their level. The primary reason behind this is the huge outflow of cash required to finance the process of treating such waste. Moreover, the companies wish to reduce their costs, in order to have a large profit margin.

It is advisable that electronic companies partner with organizations that are working towards taking care of this e-waste. The money charged by these organizations is still less than what the company would incur if it plans to go for treating the waste itself. It would be even better if such organizations appeal the government to form procedures, legislations or rules. These may be in the form of fines or penalties. It is evident that companies do care a lot about their corporate reputation. If a company follows rules to dump waste and encourages others to do so, it will add to the value of the company. Hence, it is advisable that electronic companies partner with organizations that are working selflessly in eradicating or reducing the levels of e-waste generation.

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