
In: Computer Science

Could you please write a working program "linkedlist.cpp" using recursive approach for the given files below...

Could you please write a working program "linkedlist.cpp" using recursive approach for the given files below


// app.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include "linkedlist.h"

using namespace std;

void find(LinkedList& list, char ch)


if (list.find(ch))

cout << "found ";


cout << "did not find ";

cout << ch << endl;


int main()


LinkedList list;




cout << list;

find(list, 'y');


cout << list;

find(list, 'y');


cout << list;

find(list, 'y');


cout << list;

find(list, 'y');

return 0;



// linkedlist.h

#ifndef _LINKED_LIST_

#define _LINKED_LIST_

#include <ostream>

class LinkedList





void add(char ch);

bool find(char ch);

bool del(char ch);

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, LinkedList& list);


#endif // _LINKED_LIST_


Expert Solution

#include "linkedlist.h"
using namespace std;

void find(LinkedList &list,char ch){
                cout<<"found ";
                cout<<"did not find ";

int main(){
        LinkedList list;
        return 0;

#ifndef _LINKED_LIST_
#define _LINKED_LIST_
using namespace std;
class LinkedList{
        char v[1000];
        int count;
                void add(char ch){
                bool find(char ch,int i=0){
                                return false;
                                return true;
                        return find(ch,i+1);    
                bool del(char ch,int i=0){
                                return false;
                                for(int j=i+1;j<count;j++)
                                return true;
                        return del(ch,i+1);
                friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out,const LinkedList& list);
ostream& operator << (ostream& out,const LinkedList& list){
        for(int i=0;i<list.count;i++){
                out<<list.v[i]<<" ";
        return out;

The code is working and the output is attached below:

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