
In: Nursing

Review the YouTube video "An Update on Adult Immunizations," featured in the Instructional Materials, and list...

Review the YouTube video "An Update on Adult Immunizations," featured in the Instructional Materials, and list two common misconceptions about adult vaccinations. How can you help address these misconceptions? Also list two illnesses that these immunizations aim to prevent. Do you feel the immunizations are accomplishing this goal? Why or why not? If not, what is your solution?


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Two Common Misconceptions about adult vaccination:

  • Vaccines are only for children, adults no need to get vaccinated:  Vaccination schedule is provided for children. Centers for Disease Control recommends vaccination for adults based on their age. When the disease outbreak, the adults also get vaccinated to protect themselves. Unvaccinated individuals are more risk to get disease compared to vaccinated.
  • Vaccine is only for sick, not for healthy adults: At the young age, persons own immune system fight against the number of illness. But when age increases, the immune system become weakens slowly and are a greater risk of disease. For EX: after 65 years the risk of pneumococcal pneumonia is eight times greater than the young age.

Immunizations that prevent the illnesses:

  • Flu(Influenza) vaccine: Influenza is the viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. Adults are more prone to this infection and it causes severe complications. CDC recommends the older adults to get vaccinated for flu every year.
  • Tetanus vaccine: It is a bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani. But it can be preventable through vaccination. CDC recommends Tetanus vaccine for infants, children, teens, and young age. Children should get the vaccine of DT and DTP. Adults should get in the form of Td (Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine), Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, and pertussis).

Vaccines are very effective against the disease, but it does not guarantee the protection of 100%. Vaccine effect depends on the disease and vulnerability of the diseases. It also depends on the individual's responses. If the person has good immunity level, and additionally the booster dose of vaccine increases the antibody levels which protects against disease. Moreover, most of the vaccination shows 98% protection against disease.

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