In: Finance
Do attractive nuisance cover any contractor under any type of insurance,. If so, what is and why is it // Please explain in detail
An attractive nuisance is there on your property that could damage your life or assets mostly for children oe any elders.
Nuisance cover any contractor under any type of insurance there asre so many types of nuisance like noise, smoke, Duust, steam, smell, fumes, light, rubbish and fly tipping, problem animals, certain premises etc.
Nuisance claims under liability insurance: its cover under liability insurance as well as general liability insurance. It mainly covers bodily insured or propert damage caused by an accident. If any harmful conditions van include in lawsuits based on negigent conduct or activities that are abnormal and out of peace of mind.
These can be attractive for those who stay near railroads, swimming pool, form equipment, contruction sites, power line, old appartments, playgrownds etc..