No, backward diversification is not same with conglomerate
diversification. Followings are the difference between them-
- Conglomerate diversification is about adding new products and
services into organisation's existing products. Backward
diversification is deals with expansion of role of companies in
supply chain management.
- Sales volume and net earnings will be more in conglomerate
diversification in comparison with backward diversification.
- Service satisfaction will be always high in backward
diversification due to quality supply chain and deliverables in
- Internal organisation structure can be build in conglomerate
diversification. Because increasing product line is the main reason
for it. There is no scope for expansion of organisational structure
in backward diversification.
- Backward diversification helps in cost savings and increases
the efficiency. In case of conglomerate diversification, cost
savings can be done after the growth stage.
Thank you! All the best for your exam!