
In: Computer Science

Foundation of Computer Science A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward....

Foundation of Computer Science

A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward.

1. Describe an algorithm that determines whether a string of n characters is a palindrome.

2. Write its corresponding program using your favorite programming language.


Expert Solution



Step2-Input a string and store it in a variable (eg-ostring)

Step3- Reverse the string and store it in another variable (eg-rstring)

Step4-Compare the original string and reversed string(ie ostring and rstring), If both are equal return true(string is pallindrome) else return false(string is not pallindrome)


Program(Python Language)

def check_pal(ostring): #pallindrome function with argument ostring which is input string

rstring="" #variable rstring(for storing reverse string) with empty string initialized

for l in ostring: #loop through input string character by character

rstring=l+rstring #add the characters to rstring from right to left(ie in reverse)

if(rstring==ostring): #compare input string and reverse string

print("String is a pallindrome ") #if true it is a pallindrome

else: #if input string not equal to reverse(ie false)

print("String is not a pallindrome") #print it is not a pallindrome

while(1): #keep program repeating till user want

ostring=input("Enter a string:") #input string and store in ostring variable


#call the function with input as argument to check if string is pallindrome

#please use tab for indentation as python language is used(as given in the image)


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