
In: Operations Management

Please read the case and answer the questions thank you Groupon’s business model is based on...

Please read the case and answer the questions thank you

Groupon’s business model is based on the theory that everyone loves a great deal. Groupon is a popular “deal of the day” website offering discounted gift certificates usable at local or national companies. Each day, Groupon e-mails its subscribers discounted offers for goods and services that are targeted by location and personal preferences.Customers purchase Groupons through Groupon’s website or mobile apps and redeem them with affiliated merchants. The discounts are huge—usually 50 to 90 percent off.Groupon makes money by keeping approximately half the money the customer pays for the coupon. Most deals are only valid for several days and have a limited quantity.

live events; Groupon Reserve has premium deals from prestigious brands and companies. A mobile app, Snap, offers cash rewards to consumers for purchasing specific grocery items and sending a photo of their store receipt from their phone.Along with expanding services to consumers, Groupon has refocused also on services for merchants. With GrouponWorks (, it provides services that help small businesses manage the entire customer acquisition process and more. GrouponWorks services include comprehensive online ad campaign management, advice, deals on business supplies, point-of-sale iPad apps to replace cash registers, payment processing systems, inventory management, as well as post-purchase analytics.

1. What features of contemporary e-commerce does Groupon utilize?

2. What value does this service provide subscribing merchants? What value does it provide customers?

3. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from using Groupon?

4. Are there any disadvantages to the merchant in using Groupon Works?


Expert Solution

1.. I believe that Groupon Now is using the portable application as an approach to permit both purchaser and shipper to speak with one another. Presently, most sites have a versatile application or something comparable so individuals can be associated constantly, as Ebay. It's anything but difficult to utilize and subsequently expands the opportunity of customers buying an arrangement. It takes into consideration individuals to impart things to their companions, which is crucial in person to person communication and takes into consideration the specialist organization to get more clients. It likewise utilizes personalization as an instrument. It's likewise incredible that an endorser can show the coupon on the telephone as opposed to needing to print it out like other coupons. Taking into account my comprehension, Groupon is using different contemporary e-business features which are recorded in the going with:

•   Groupon recognizes and targets customers considering their territory, needs, and tendencies, this addresses a tolerable strategy for online factual reviewing.

•   Groupon offers access to unprecedented courses of action and discounts which are usable at customer's neighborhood as well as national associations.

•   Groupon makes an able correspondence diverts in customers and merchants and furthermore giving a modified customer experience.

•   Groupon makes and keeps up customer profiles to improve relationship in them and merchants.


The justified, despite all the trouble suits dealers, is accomplishing the base number of customers the shipper needs to offer a success win deal! This avoids the threat of not getting enough customers for a particular game plan. In addition, it gives the sellers significant data about potential customers and their profiles. This makes it straightforward for them to make modified ideas to target them when imperative. The justified, despite all the trouble suits customers is the charming game plans they find while in a hurry. They can even consider different courses of action and after that go for the best one. Customers for this circumstance can basically get refunds and favourable circumstances without checking every retailer, diner, shops, etc. Another inconceivable worth for customers is the chance to get redid offers and organizations considering their record with Groupon. It gives vendors the estimation of authority over their income and when and the amount to discharge the arrangements for. The way that the arrangements are restricted in time and amount assists vendors with knowing the business they may have and be set up for it. It's additionally acceptable that a specific number of coupons must be sold, with the goal that the shipper is making some benefit from the arrangement. It's likewise advantageous for them to follow everything on the telephone or on the web. It sets aside cash and time from advertising and printing bargains. Along these lines, they realize that it goes out precisely to the clients. It can prompt new returning clients to the business.

3..Neighbourhood associations will benefit from Groupon. Notwithstanding the way that there is a cost for Merchants to advance on Groupon, the momentary goal is to pull in new customers, and the long stretch target is to create a strong brand moreover make unwavering quality between the customers who have used the Groupon deal and the business. I accept built up organizations that are keen on getting more clients or new business that can get new clients to come and attempt them when they first open. Organizations that individuals just need to utilize from time to time like vehicle specifying; and benefits like nourishment and wellbeing and magnificence where individuals keep an eye on simply have a most loved area, the arrangements help pull away from those clients and get them to attempt another area at a superior cost.

4..There are neighborhood can anticipate restaurants organizations, and other close by organizations in the city. I have used Groupon, as a customer I value saving money, when possible. It is moreover a ground-breaking, decrepit, and basic way to deal with endeavour neighbourhood associations that I didn't consider . There is an assortment of arrangements, going from wellbeing and magnificence to vehicle administrations. I just as of late utilized Groupon to buy a vehicle itemizing administration at a great cost. I use it since I like that it's continually changing, and that it's contribution bargains for things that really need and need. Despite the fact that most of administrations are offered in bigger urban areas, there are still some accessible close by.

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