
In: Nursing

Case Study: Martin, a practical nurse, works in a long-term care facility. He is often the...

Case Study:

Martin, a practical nurse, works in a long-term care facility. He is often the nurse-in-charge of his unit and works with unregulated care providers (UCPs).

He has approached his manger with an idea to improve the care of the residents. This will require a change in the approach to care (model of care) that is currently being used and the UCPs will have added responsibilities. To implement this change, Martin is leading the group working on the new approach to care. He has also learned that some of the UCPs are angry about the proposed change.

  1. One day, a small group of UCPs confronts Martin. They are angry and tell him that they are unhappy at work because of the stress they feel from the proposed changes. Martin recognizes that conflict is occurring.

Identify one model of conflict resolution and describe the components.

2. Apply the model to the case scenario and provide statement (verbatim) examples that Martin could apply to each component of the conflict resolution model.


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In the given case study,

  • Marton, practical nurse in long term care facility works with regulated care providers, comes with a new idea of change in care which is already practiced
  • As per change Marti leads the team and UCPs has additional reponsibilities
  • UCPs confronts Martin and expressed their unhappiness about the work load



  • Conflict is defined as friction between individuals due to differences of opinions,ideas, beliefs,values, needs or objectives.
  • Conflict can be considered as an expression of hostility, negative attitudes, antagonism, aggression, rivalry and misunderstanding.

Theories of conflict resolution model

4 theories are there,

1. communication theories

a)Community Relations Theory

  • According to the theory, the conflict is caused by mistrust between the parties.
  • Responses therefore include building tolerance, improving communications and an acceptance of diversity

b).Intercultural Miscommunication Theory

  • This theory assumes the conflict is caused by incompatibility between different styles and systems of cultural communications.
  • Work focuses on understanding ‘the other’, by breaking down stereotypes, exploring each other’s culture, and improving communication.

2. Human Needs Theory

  • This theory assumes that the conflict is based on unmet human needs
  • It helps parties on all sides to identify and meet these needs

3. Negotiation Theory

  • This theory assumes that the conflict is about incompatible demands.
  • It attempt to uncover the deeper goals of the parties and bring them to an agreement that offers mutual gain for all

4. Denial of Human Rights

  • The declaration is an accepted global standard for justice, and a cause of conflict when violated; the intended response being to restore and protect human rights

Model of conflict resolution


  • The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument assesses an individual’s typical behavior in conflict situations and describes it along two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness.
  • The model has 5 conflict modes
  1. Competing;(The goal is to win)
  2. Accommodating (The goal is to yield )
  3. Avoiding (The goal is to delay)
  4. Collaborating,( multiple participation)
  5. Compromising ( goal is to find middle ground)

1. competing

  • It is the most assertive and least cooperative of the conflict handling modes.
  • Individulas argue heavily to prove their point
  • Competing is effective When quick decisive action is needed , When unpopular action must be taken on important issues, When the issue is vital and the right course is clear.
  • competing tries to protect against people who take advantage of noncompetitive behavior.


  • accomodating is very co operative is very cooperative
  • individuals dislike conflict are ready to sacrifice their opinions in an argument to avoid it.

Accommodating is effective: When you are wrong, learning is important, or demonstrating reasonableness is critical, creating goodwill is paramount.,To build social credits for later use ,To stop unproductive or damaging competition ,When harmony is important.

3. Avoiding

  • Individual during this phase neither tries to pursue their intersts and to agree for the others
  • It is effective: When the issue is relatively trivial, insight iof causing dissatisfaction,costs of conflict outweigh the benefits of resolution,others can resolve the issue more effectively ,


it is used when more discussion than argument and finding a solution that addresses all issues.

• it’s important that both sides be integrated ,want to learn and fully understand others’ views ,merge different perspectives and insights , gain commitment through consensual decisions , work through hard feelings that have interfered with interpersonal relationships. Collaborating


During this gathers multiple solutions to the underlying problems

compromising can be successful oin sfollwing situations When goals are less important than avoiding the disruption caused by more assertive conflict resolution styles,opponents have equal power and commitment to mutually exclusive goals.,temporarily settle complex issues , To quickly achieve an expedient solution.

Application of the theory in present situation

  1. Competing

Verbatim of Martin ; I Strongly believe the new care change is gouing to produce effective outcomes, even if you feel difficult it at the beginning


Verbatim of Martin; If in case it causes further work load on you , we can discuss about it


Verbatim of Martin; I hope we can postpone the regulatory changes untill we all have a group discussion about the effectiveness


Verbatim of Martin ; But i wish to know what make it so difficult for you to implemnet thae change


Verbatim of Martin; Since there are conflicts and disagrrement sfrom starting, i hope we can rethink about it, and note for the limitations

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