
In: Math

The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...

The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older.

Hours of Sleep
Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total
49 or younger 30 64 76 70 240
50 or older 30 58 80 92 260

Conduct a test of independence to determine whether the hours of sleep on weeknights are independent of age. Use  = .05. Use Table 12.4.

Compute the value of the X2 (Chi2) test statistic (to 2 decimals).????

b) Using the total sample of 500, estimate the percentage of people who sleep less than 6, 6 to 6.9, 7 to 7.9, and 8 or more hours on weeknights (to 1 decimal).

Less than 6 hours   %
6 to 6.9 hours   %
7 to 7.9 hours   %
8 or more hours   %


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Following table shows the row total and column total:

Hours of Sleep
Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total
49 or younger 30 64 76 70 240
50 or older 30 58 80 92 260
Total 60 122 156 162 500

Expected frequencies will be calculated as follows:

Following table shows the expected frequency:

Hours of Sleep
Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total
49 or younger 28.8 58.56 74.88 77.76 240
50 or older 31.2 63.44 81.12 84.24 260
Total 60 122 156 162 500

Following table shows the calculations for chi square test statistics:

O E (O-E)^2/E
30 28.8 0.05
64 58.56 0.505355191
76 74.88 0.016752137
70 77.76 0.774403292
30 31.2 0.046153846
58 63.44 0.466481715
80 81.12 0.015463511
92 84.24 0.714833808
Total 2.5894435

The test statistics is:

Degree of freedom: df =( number of rows -1)*(number of columns-1) = (2-1)*(4-1)=4

The p-value is: 0.4593

Since p-value is greater than 0.05 so we fail to reject the nul hypothesis.


Following table shows the required percentage:

Frequency, f (f*100)/500%
Fewer than 6   60 12
6 to 6.9   122 24.4
7 to 7.9   156 31.2
8 or more   162 32.4

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The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 35 65 71 69 240 50 or older 37...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 30 63 78 69 240 50 or older 40...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 38 56 70 76 240 50 or older 30...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 39 58 71 72 240 50 or older 32...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 38 65 70 67 240 50 or older 34...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 34 58 80 68 240 50 or older 35...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleeping per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). The following show the hours of sleep on weeknights for a sample of individuals age 49 and younger and for a sample of individuals age 50 and older. Hours of Sleep Age Fewer than 6 6 to 6.9 7 to 7.9 8 or more Total 49 or younger 37 58 71 74 240 50 or older 34...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleep per night are...
The National Sleep Foundation used a survey to determine whether hours of sleep per night are independent of age (Newsweek, January 19, 2004). A sample of individuals was asked to indicate the number of hours of sleep per night with categorical options: fewer than 6 hours, 6 to 6.9 hours, 7 to 7.9 hours, and 8 hours or more. Later in the survey, the individuals were asked to indicate their age with categorical options: age 39 or younger and age...
A survey was conducted to determine whether hours of sleep per night are independent of age....
A survey was conducted to determine whether hours of sleep per night are independent of age. A sample of individuals was asked to indicate the number of hours of sleep per night with categorical options: fewer than 6 hours, 6 to 6.9 hours, 7 to 7.9 hours, and 8 hours or more. Later in the survey, the individuals were asked to indicate their age with categorical options: age 39 or younger and age 40 or older. Sample data follow. Hours...
A survey was conducted to determine whether hours of sleep per night are independent of age....
A survey was conducted to determine whether hours of sleep per night are independent of age. A sample of individuals was asked to indicate the number of hours of sleep per night with categorical options: fewer than 6 hours, 6 to 6.9 hours, 7 to 7.9 hours, and 8 hours or more. Later in the survey, the individuals were asked to indicate their age with categorical options: age 39 or younger and age 40 or older. Sample data follow. Hours...