
In: Computer Science

Translate following function from C into RISC-V: Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals #include<stdio.h> int main(){...

Translate following function from C into RISC-V: Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals


int main(){

int low, high, i, flag;




//iteration until low is not equal to high




//ignore numbers less than 2






//if low is a non-prime number, flag will be 1











//to check prime for the next number

//increase low by 1






Expert Solution

C to RISC-V :


        .string "Entertwonumbers(intervals):"


        .string "%d%d"


        .string "Primenumbersbetween%dand%dare:"


        .string "%d"


        addi    sp,sp,-32

        sd      ra,24(sp)

        sd      s0,16(sp)

        addi    s0,sp,32

        lui     a5,%hi(.LC0)

        addi    a0,a5,%lo(.LC0)

        call    printf

        addi    a4,s0,-32

        addi    a5,s0,-28

        mv      a2,a4

        mv      a1,a5

        lui     a5,%hi(.LC1)

        addi    a0,a5,%lo(.LC1)

        call    scanf

        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        lw      a4,-32(s0)

        mv      a2,a4

        mv      a1,a5

        lui     a5,%hi(.LC2)

        addi    a0,a5,%lo(.LC2)

        call    printf


        lw      a4,-28(s0)

        lw      a5,-32(s0)

        bge     a4,a5,.L2

        sw      zero,-24(s0)

        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        mv      a4,a5

        li      a5,1

        bgt     a4,a5,.L3

        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        addiw   a5,a5,1

        sext.w  a5,a5

        sw      a5,-28(s0)

        j       .L4


        li      a5,2

        sw      a5,-20(s0)


        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        srliw   a4,a5,31

        addw    a5,a4,a5

        sraiw   a5,a5,1

        sext.w  a4,a5

        lw      a5,-20(s0)

        sext.w  a5,a5

        bgt     a5,a4,.L5

        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        mv      a4,a5

        lw      a5,-20(s0)

        remw    a5,a4,a5

        sext.w  a5,a5

        bnez    a5,.L6

        li      a5,1

        sw      a5,-24(s0)

        j       .L5


        lw      a5,-20(s0)

        addiw   a5,a5,1

        sw      a5,-20(s0)

        j       .L7


        lw      a5,-24(s0)

        sext.w  a5,a5

        bnez    a5,.L8

        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        mv      a1,a5

        lui     a5,%hi(.LC3)

        addi    a0,a5,%lo(.LC3)

        call    printf


        lw      a5,-28(s0)

        addiw   a5,a5,1

        sext.w  a5,a5

        sw      a5,-28(s0)


        j       .L9


        li      a5,0

        mv      a0,a5

        ld      ra,24(sp)

        ld      s0,16(sp)

        addi    sp,sp,32

        jr      ra

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