
In: Computer Science

Write a function which lets the user enter English words. The user can keep entering English...

Write a function which lets the user enter English words. The user can keep entering English words as long as the user has not entered the word “exit”. Once the user enters “exit” the function will return and print the list of all distinct words starts with English alphabets. Like: A: Ali, apple, … B: Bob, book … until Z. Write a python program for this question. Use main function.


Expert Solution


def wordswrap():
    word_list = []
    print("Enter Words")
    while(1): ### This is infinite loop, runs till breaked or returned
        word = input()
        if word.lower() == 'exit':
            final_dict = {}
            for i in set(word_list):
                a = i[0] ### First alphabet of word
                ### Here we are using lower to  collect all set of words having capital of small letter in a single alphabet
                ### Set finds the unique ones from them.
                data = set([word.capitalize() for word in word_list if (word.lower()).startswith(a.lower())]) ## Find all words starting with letter
                string = ", ".join(data) ### This will make a string from list
                final_dict[a.upper()] = string
            return list(sorted(final_dict.items())) ### converting dictionary to list of tuples
        word_list.append(word) ## If word is not "exit", append in the list
if __name__ == '__main__': ### This is the main function
    list_of_unique_words = wordswrap() ### Calling function.
    for alphabet,words in list_of_unique_words:
        print(alphabet,": ",words) ### Printing Alphabets and their corresponding words in capitalize form.





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