
In: Computer Science

- Write a function with no input parameter which keeps asking the user to enter positive...

- Write a function with no input parameter which keeps asking the user to enter positive numbers until the user enters an invalid input. (An invalid input is an input which includes at least one alphabet, like 123d4). The program should print the Max and Min of the numbers the user had entered as well as the distance between the Max and Min. (Remember to calculate the absolute distance). The function does not return anything


Expert Solution

// Online C++ compiler to run C++ program online
#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
void findMinMaxAbsolute(){
    //variables to store min, max and difference
    //min is set to maximum int value so as to get smaller value 
    //max is set to minimum int value so as to get larger value
    int min = INT_MAX,max = INT_MIN,diff=0;
    //input variable
    int n;
        cout<<"enter positive number:";
        //check if input is int or not 
            cout<<"Closing as prev input was invalid";
        //check for max value
            max = n;
        //check for min value
            min = n;
   //minimum value
   cout<<"\nMin: "<<min<<endl;
   //maximum value
   cout<<"Max: "<<max<<endl;
   //Absolute difference 
   cout<<"Difference between max and min is: "<<abs(max-min)<<endl;

//main function
int main() {
    //call findMinMaxAbsolute function
    return 0;


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