
In: Computer Science

Assume that bits is a string that only contains the characters "0" and "1". n is...

Assume that bits is a string that only contains the characters "0" and "1". n is an integer variable that is less than the length of bits. Fill in the blanks below to replace bits with a new string that consists of all of the characters of bits from index n through the end, followed by the first n characters of bits.

For example, if bits was "1101010" and n was 3, the new value of bits would be "1010110".

bits=(     )+( )


Expert Solution

I have answered this question with respect to python.

If you want the answer in any other programming language or on some other platform, then please let me know in the comment section.  I will change my answer as per the requirement.


In python,

bits = bits[n:] + bits[:n]

bits[n:] selects all the characters from nth index upto the end,
bits[:n] selects all the characters from 0th index upto the (n-1)th index.
We add both the strings, to get the final string.
The above operation replaces bits with a new string that consists of all of the characters of bits from index n through the end, followed by the first n characters of bits.

Sample output example in Python


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