
In: Accounting

Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....

Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter:

  1. Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are:

April May June July
Sales $ 600,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 560,000 $ 460,000
Cost of goods sold 420,000 770,000 392,000 322,000
Gross margin 180,000 330,000 168,000 138,000
Selling and administrative expenses:
Selling expense 111,000 105,000 67,000 46,000
Administrative expense* 48,000 64,800 41,600 44,000
Total selling and administrative expenses 159,000 169,800 108,600 90,000
Net operating income $ 21,000 $ 160,200 $ 59,400 $ 48,000

*Includes $28,000 of depreciation each month.

  1. Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on account.

  2. Sales on account are collected over a three-month period with 10% collected in the month of sale; 70% collected in the first month following the month of sale; and the remaining 20% collected in the second month following the month of sale. February’s sales totaled $260,000, and March’s sales totaled $275,000.

  3. Inventory purchases are paid for within 15 days. Therefore, 50% of a month’s inventory purchases are paid for in the month of purchase. The remaining 50% is paid in the following month. Accounts payable at March 31 for inventory purchases during March total $119,000.

  4. Each month’s ending inventory must equal 20% of the cost of the merchandise to be sold in the following month. The merchandise inventory at March 31 is $84,000.

  5. Dividends of $35,000 will be declared and paid in April.

  6. Land costing $43,000 will be purchased for cash in May.

  7. The cash balance at March 31 is $57,000; the company must maintain a cash balance of at least $40,000 at the end of each month.

  8. The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month, up to a total loan balance of $200,000. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded. The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end of the quarter

The company’s president is interested in knowing how reducing inventory levels and collecting accounts receivable sooner will impact the cash budget. He revises the cash collection and ending inventory assumptions as follows:

  1. Sales continue to be 20% for cash and 80% on credit. However, credit sales from April, May, and June are collected over a three-month period with 25% collected in the month of sale, 65% collected in the month following sale, and 10% in the second month following sale. Credit sales from February and March are collected during the second quarter using the collection percentages specified in the main section.

  2. The company maintains its ending inventory levels for April, May, and June at 15% of the cost of merchandise to be sold in the following month. The merchandise inventory at March 31 remains $84,000 and accounts payable for inventory purchases at March 31 remains $119,000.


1. Using the president’s new assumptions in (a) above, prepare a schedule of expected cash collections for April, May, and June and for the quarter in total.

2. Using the president’s new assumptions in (b) above, prepare the following for merchandise inventory:

a. A merchandise purchases budget for April, May, and June.

b. A schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases for April, May, and June and for the quarter in total.

3. Using the president’s new assumptions, prepare a cash budget for April, May, and June, and
for the quarter in total.


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Sales Budget & cash collections April May June Qtr.
Sales budgeted 600,000 1,100,000 560,000 2,260,000
Cash collections
Cash sales (Mth sales*20%) 120000 220000 112000 452,000
Credit sales of : 0
Feb (260000*80%*20%) 41600 41,600
Mar sales(275000*80%*70%; 20%) 154000 44000 198,000
Apr. sales(600000*80%*10%;70%:20%) 48000 336000 96000 480,000
May sales(1100000*80%*10%; 70%) 88000 616000 704,000
June sales(560000*80%*10%) 44800 44,800
Total collections 363600 688000 868800 1,920,400
Merchandise purchases budget
April May June Qtr. July
Cost of goods sold 420,000 770,000 392,000 1,582,000 322,000
Desired Ending Inventory 154000 78400 64400 64400
Total needed 574,000 848,400 456,400 1,646,400
Less: op. Inv. 84000 154000 78400 84000
Purchases 490,000 694,400 378,000 1,562,400
Payment for Inventory purchases:
Mar.(119000*50%) 59500 59,500
Apr. 245000 245000 490,000
May 347200 347200 694,400
June 189000 189,000
Total payment 304500 592200 536200 1,432,900
Cash Budget April May June Qtr.
Beginning balance 57000 40100 40100 57000
Total sales collections 363600 688000 868800 1920400
Total cash available 420600 728100 908900 1977400
Less: Disbursements:
Purchases payment 304500 592200 536200 1432900
Selling expense 111,000 105,000 67,000 283000
Administrative expense(lessdepn. 28000 20,000 36,800 13,600 70400
Dividends 35000 35000
Land 43000 43000
Total Disbursements 470500 777000 616800 1864300
Surplus/(Deficit) -49900 -48900 292100 113100
Add: Borrowings 90000 89000 179000
Less: Repayments -179000 -179000
Less: Interest -4480 -4480
Ending balance 40100 40100 108620 108620
Interest=((90000*1%*3)+(89000*1%*2)) 4480


Sales Budget & cash collections April May June Qtr.
Sales budgeted 600,000 1,100,000 560,000 2,260,000
Cash collections
Cash sales (Mth sales*20%) 120000 220000 112000 452,000
Credit sales of : 0
Feb (260000*80%*20%) 41600 41,600
Mar sales(275000*80%*70%,20%) 154000 44000 198,000
Apr. sales(600000*80%*25%;65%:10%) 120000 312000 48000 480,000
May sales(1100000*80%*25%; 65%) 27500 572000 599,500
June sales(560000*80%*25%) 112000 112,000
Total collections 435600 603500 844000 1,883,100
Merchandise purchases budget
April May June Qtr. July
Cost of goods sold 420,000 770,000 392,000 1,582,000 322,000
Desired Ending Inventory 115500 58800 48300 48300
Total needed 535,500 828,800 440,300 1,630,300
Less: op. Inv. 84000 115500 58800 84000
Purchases 451,500 713,300 381,500 1,546,300
Payment for Inventory purchases:
Mar.(119000*50%) 59500 59,500
Apr. 225750 225750 451,500
May 356650 356650 713,300
June 190750 190,750
Total payment 285250 582400 547400 1,415,050
Cash Budget April May June Qtr.
Beginning balance 57000 41350 40650 57000
Total sales collections 435600 603500 844000 1883100
Total cash available 492600 644850 884650 1940100
Less: Disbursements:
Purchases payment 285250 582400 547400 1415050
Selling expense 111,000 105,000 67,000 283000
Administrative expense(lessdepn. 28000 20,000 36,800 13,600 70400
Dividends 35000 35000
Land 43000 43000
Total Disbursements 451250 767200 628000 1846450
Surplus/(Deficit) 41350 -122350 256650 93650
Add: Borrowings 0 163000 163000
Less: Repayments -163000 -163000
Less: Interest -3260 -3260
Ending balance 41350 40650 90390 90390
Interest = 163000*1%*2 mths= 3260

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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter.
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equip­ment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: a. Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April-July are:   April May June July Sales ... $600,000 $900,000 $500,000 $400,000 Cost of goods sold ... 420,000...
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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 520,000 $ 720,000 $ 420,000 $ 320,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 540,000 $ 740,000 $ 440,000 $ 340,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 620,000 $ 810,000 $ 520,000 $ 420,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 640,000 $ 1,140,000 $ 600,000 $ 500,000 Cost of goods sold...
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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 780,000 $ 940,000 $ 640,000 $ 550,000 Cost of goods sold...