
In: Computer Science

Code the following: When an employee has worked for Anderson & Beckett for 30 years or...

  1. Code the following:
  1. When an employee has worked for Anderson & Beckett for 30 years or more, 100 shares of preferred stock are awarded; otherwise no shares are awarded. Code this if … else control structure using the conditional operator (ternary operator). The variables yearsEmployed and preferredShares are already declared.

  1. Code a do-while loop that keeps printing the message “GOTTA FIND MY CAR KEYS!” as long as the keys haven’t been found. Assume foundKeys and input (for the Scanner class) are already declared. The variable foundKeys has been initialized to ‘n’ and it’s the loop-control variable.

  1. Re-code 1b using a while loop.

  1. Assume calories is already declared as an integer. Code a fall-through switch statement by dividing calories by 100 in the controlling expression of the switch header, so the following messages print:

When calories are 1200 through 1800: “Diet is on target.”

When calories are 2000 through 2550: “Calorie intake ok if active.”

When calories are any other value: “Calorie intake is either insufficient or too much!”

  1. Re-code 1d using double-selection ifs. You’ll use a conditional logical operator to join the sets of relational conditions (choose the right one).

  1. Code a for loop with the switch structure from 1d and allow 3 attempts. Prompt the user to enter calories. When the number entered is in the correct range exit the loop (not the program) after one of the messages in 1d is printed. Print the message “No more attempts left!” when it is the last attempt.

  1. Re-code the following as a do-while loop with a switch statement. Assume cruise is declared and has been set to true, so it can enter the loop. Assume choice and destination are already declared.



               System.out.printf(“%nChoose a number from 1 through 4 to find out “

+ “which cruise you have won: “);

               choice = input.nextInt();

               if(choice == 1)


                              destination = “Bahamas”;                                                                 



               {             if(choice == 2)


                                             destination = “British Isles”;                                                                           



                              {             if(choice == 3)


                                                            destination = “Far East”;                      



                              {             if(choice == 4)


                                                            destination = “Amazon River”;




System.out.printf(“%nInvalid choice! Enter “

+ “5 to continue or 0 to exit: ”);

                                                                                          choice = input.nextInt();


                                                            }//END if choice = 4 else NOT = 4

                                             }//END if choice = 3 else NOT = 3

                              }//END if choice = 2 else NOT = 2

               }//END if choice = 1 else NOT = 1   

               if(choice >= 0 && choice < 5)


                              cruise = false;

               }//END if choice from 1-4

}//END while cruise is true

System.out.printf(“%nYou have won a cruise to the %s!”, destination);


Expert Solution

please check out the solution... please do a comment for any doubt... thank you...

1.a> Shares will be awarded if the employee works for >=30 years...

using ternary operator, it can be written as ....

preferredShares = (yearsEmployed>=30)? 100: 0;


    System.out.println("GOTTA FIND MY CAR KEYS!");   //printing the given massage
    foundKeys=scnr.nex().charAt(0);    //taking input for foundKeys, here scnr is the object of Scanner class
    }while(foundKeys!='n');   //loop will continue until foundKeys not-equals to n


while(foundKeys != 'n'){   //i.e. until key is found
    System.out.println("GOTTA FIND MY CAR KEYS!");   //printing the given massage;    //taking input for foundKeys, here scnr is the object of Scanner class
    }  //end of while


in this case, there is a problem... for switch case calories is divided by 100. so the number of digits in calorie decreases by 2 digits. now if the input is 2560 calories... it should come under "Calorie intake is either insufficient or too much!" case... but after divided by 100, new calories becomes 25.... in switch case it comes under “Calorie intake ok if active.” case... this condition happens because switch cannot use float value...

switch(calories/100){   // calories is divided by 100
    case 12:
    case 13:
    case 14:
    case 15:
    case 16:
    case 17: 
    case 18:
        System.out.println("Diet is on target.");
    case 20:
    case 21:
    case 22:
    case 23:
    case 24: 
    case 25:
        System.out.println("Calorie intake ok if active.");
        System.out.println("Calorie intake is either insufficient or too much!");
    }//end of switch


if(calories>=1200 && calories<==1800)    //When calories are 1200 through 1800
    System.out.println("Diet is on target.");
else if(calories>=2000 && calories<==2550)  //When calories are 2000 through 2550
    System.out.println("Calorie intake ok if active.");
else  //When calories are any other value
    System.out.println("Calorie intake is either insufficient or too much!"); 


for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){  //loop will continue for 3 times
    if(i==3)  //if it is the last attempt
        System.out.print("No more attempts left!");
    calories=scnr.nextInt();  // taking input... scnr is the object of scanner class
    switch(calories/100){   // calories is divided by 100
    case 12:
    case 13:
    case 14:
    case 15:
    case 16:
    case 17: 
    case 18:
        System.out.println("Diet is on target.");
    case 20:
    case 21:
    case 22:
    case 23:
    case 24: 
    case 25:
        System.out.println("Calorie intake ok if active.");
        System.out.println("Calorie intake is either insufficient or too much!");
    }//end of switch
   }//end of for

1.g> updated the given code to do while

Note: in the print statement, there was "%n", it will be "\n" i.e newline... which is been updated...

do    //updated to do while loop


               System.out.printf("\nChoose a number from 1 through 4 to find out "

+ "which cruise you have won: ");

               choice = input.nextInt();

               if(choice == 1)


                              destination = "Bahamas";                                                                 



               {             if(choice == 2)


                                             destination = "British Isles";                                                                           



                              {             if(choice == 3)


                                                            destination = "Far East";                      



                              {             if(choice == 4)


                                                            destination = "Amazon River";




System.out.printf("\nInvalid choice! Enter "

+ "5 to continue or 0 to exit: ");

                                                                                          choice = input.nextInt();


                                                            }//END if choice = 4 else NOT = 4

                                             }//END if choice = 3 else NOT = 3

                              }//END if choice = 2 else NOT = 2

               }//END if choice = 1 else NOT = 1   

               if(choice >= 0 && choice < 5)


                              cruise = false;

               }//END if choice from 1-4

}while(cruise);    //END do-while if cruise is true

System.out.printf("\nYou have won a cruise to the %s!", destination);

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