
In: Computer Science

parking Ticket simulator For this assignment you will design a set of classes that work together...

parking Ticket simulator For this assignment you will design a set of classes that work together to simulate a police officer issuing a parking ticket. You should design the following classes:

• The ParkedCar Class: This class should simulate a parked car. The class’s responsibili-ties are as follows: – To know the car’s make, model, color, license number, and the number of minutes that the car has been parked.

• The ParkingMeter Class: This class should simulate a parking meter. The class’s only responsibility is as follows: – To know the number of minutes of parking time that has been purchased.

• The ParkingTicket Class: This class should simulate a parking ticket. The class’s responsibilities are as follows:

– To report the make, model, color, and license number of the illegally parked car

– To report the amount of the fine, which is $25 for the first hour or part of an hour that the car is illegally parked, plus $10 for every additional hour or part of an hour that the car is illegally parked

– To report the name and badge number of the police officer issuing the ticket

• The PoliceOfficer Class: This class should simulate a police officer inspecting parked cars. The class’s responsibilities are as follows:

– To know the police officer’s name and badge number

– To examine a ParkedCar object and a ParkingMeter object, and determine whether the car’s time has expired

– To issue a parking ticket (generate a ParkingTicket object) if the car’s time has expired Write a program that demonstrates how these classes collaborate.

Manual grading requirements:

No data must be collected from the user from inside the class constructor or any other methods. Data must be collected outside the class(perhaps in the main) and can be passed into the object through constructors. This applies to Car, ParkingTicket, PoliceOfficer, ParkingMeter and all other classes.

For any constructor, pass only information that is needed to initialize the objects of that class. For example, when you create police officer object, pass only police office information to build the object, not car, or parking meter information.

Mimir Requirements

File name to submit in mimir must be:

Test Case1:

Enter the officer's name
Enter officer's badge number
Enter the car's make
Enter the car's model
Enter the car's color
Enter the car's liscense number
Enter Minutes on car
Enter the number of minutes purchased on the meter
Car parking time has expired.

Ticket data:

Make: Toyota

Model: Carolla

Color: Purple

Liscense Number: 34RJXYZ

Officer Name: John

Badge Number: 1234

Fine: 25.0

Test Case 2( No Ticket Generated)

Enter the officer's name
Enter officer's badge number
Enter the car's make
Enter the car's model
Enter the car's color
Enter the car's liscense number
Enter Minutes on car
Enter the number of minutes purchased on the meter
The car parking minutes are valid

Test Case 3( Validate input data)

Enter the officer's name
Enter officer's badge number
Enter the car's make
Enter the car's model
Enter the car's color
Enter the car's liscense number
Enter Minutes on car
Invalid Entry. Please try again.
Enter the number of minutes purchased on the meter
Invalid Entry. Please try again.
Invalid Entry. Please try again.
Car parking time has expired.

Ticket data:

Make: Ford

Model: Model5

Color: Green

Liscense Number: CA55443

Officer Name: Adam

Badge Number: 34343

Fine: 25.0


This is what I have so far file------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

public class ParkedCar {

private String make = new String();

private String model = new String();

private String color = new String();

private String licenseNum = new String();

private int parkedMin;

public ParkedCar(String m1, String m2, String c, String l, int p)


make = m1;

model = m2;

color = c;

licenseNum = l;

parkedMin = p;


//Create Accessor methods to return Car info

public String getMake() {

return make;


public String getModel() {

return model;


public String getColor() {

return color;


public String getLicense() {

return licenseNum;


public int getParkedMinutes() {

return parkedMin;


//Create Mutator methods

public void setMake(String m1) {

make = m1;


public void setModel(String m2) {

model = m2;


public void setColor(String c) {

color = c;


public void setLicense(String l) {

licenseNum = l;


public void setParkedMinutes(int p) {

parkedMin = p;


} File------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

public class ParkingTicket {

private ParkedCar Car;

private PoliceOfficer officer;

private double fineAmount;

private int minutes;


public final double firstHourFine = 25.0;

public final int additionalHourFine = 10;


public ParkingTicket(ParkedCar Car, PoliceOfficer officer) {


} file------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

public class ParkingMeter {

private int purchasedMin;

public ParkingMeter(int p)


purchasedMin = p;


//Create Accessor methods

public int getPurchasedMin() {

return purchasedMin;


//Create Mutator Methods

public void setPurchasedMin(int p) {

purchasedMin = p;


} File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

public class PoliceOfficer {

private String officerName;

private int badgeNum;

public PoliceOfficer(String name, int num) {

officerName = name;

badgeNum = num;


public String getName() {

return officerName;


public int getBadge() {

return badgeNum;


public void setName(String name) {

officerName = name;


public void setBadge(int num) {

badgeNum = num;


} file------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ParkingSimulatorTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String officerName, carMake, carModel, carColor, carLicenseNum;

int minPurchased = 0, parkedMin, badgeNum;

//Create a Scanner object to accept user input

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the officer's name");

officerName = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter officer's badge number");

badgeNum = keyboard.nextInt();

System.out.println("Enter the car's make");

carMake =;

System.out.println("Enter the car's model");

carModel = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter the car's color");

carColor = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter the car's liscense number");

carLicenseNum = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter Minutes on car");

parkedMin = keyboard.nextInt();

System.out.println("Enter the number of minutes purchased on the meter");

//Create Police Officer Object

PoliceOfficer policeOfficer = new PoliceOfficer(officerName, badgeNum);

//Create car Object

ParkedCar parkedCar = new ParkedCar(carMake, carModel, carColor, carLicenseNum, parkedMin);

//Create a parking meter object

ParkingMeter meter = new ParkingMeter(minPurchased);


Please Help I need to know If I am on the right track and what other things do I need.


Expert Solution


import java.util.Scanner;

/* ParkedCar class */

class ParkedCar


/* variable declarations */

     private String carMake;

    private String carModel;

    private String carColor;

    private String carLicenseNo;

    private int minsParked;

     /* Constructor */

    public ParkedCar(String cmak, String cmod, String ccol, String cLno,

     int mins)


          this.carMake = cmak;

        this.carModel = cmod;

this.carColor = ccol;

        this.carLicenseNo = cLno;

          this.minsParked = mins;


     /* Constructor */

    public ParkedCar(ParkedCar car1)


          this.carMake = car1.carMake;

        this.carModel = car1.carModel;

        this.carColor = car1.carColor;

        this.carLicenseNo = car1.carLicenseNo;

        this.minsParked = car1.minsParked;


     /* set method for Make */

    public void setCarMake(String m)


          this.carMake = m;


     /* set method for Model */

    public void setCarModel(String m)


          this.carModel = m;


     /* set method for Color */

    public void setCarColor(String c)


          this.carColor = c;


     /* set method for LicenseNo */

    public void setCarLicenseNo(String cLno)


          this.carLicenseNo = cLno;


     /* set method for MinutesParked */

    public void setMinsParked(int m)


          this.minsParked = m;


     /* get method for Make */

    public String getCarMake()


          return carMake;


     /* get method for Model */

    public String getCarModel()


          return carModel;


     /* get method for Color */

    public String getCarColor()


          return carColor;


     /* get method for LicenseNo */

    public String getCarLicenseNo()


          return carLicenseNo;


     /* get method for MinutesParked */

    public int getMinsParked()


          return minsParked;


     /* method to print details */

    public String toString()


String newString = "CarMake: " + carMake + "\nCarModel: " + carModel + "\nCarColor: " + carColor + "\nLicenseNo: " + carLicenseNo + "\nMinutesParked: " + minsParked;

        return newString;



/* ParkingMeter Class */

class ParkingMeter


/* variable declarations */

     int minsForParking;

     /* get method for minutes for parking */

    public int getMinsForParking()


          return minsForParking;


     /* set method for minutes for parking */

    public void setMinsForParking(int minsForParking)


          this.minsForParking = minsForParking;



/* ParkingTicket Class */

class ParkingTicket


/* variable declarations */

     int fineAmount;

    int illegalParkedHour;

    /* get method for FineAmount */

     public int getFineAmount()


          return fineAmount;


     /* set method for FineAmount */

    public void setFineAmount(int fineAmount)


          this.fineAmount = fineAmount;


     /* method for generating report */

void reportIllegalParkedCar(ParkedCar myPC, ParkingMeter myPM, PoliceOfficer myPO)


          System.out.println("Illegally parked car details :");

        System.out.println("carMake :" + myPC.getCarMake());

        System.out.println("carModel :" + myPC.getCarModel());

        System.out.println("carColor :" + myPC.getCarColor());

          System.out.println("carLicenceNo :" + myPC.getCarLicenseNo());

        illegalParkedHour =

((myPC.getMinsParked() - myPM.getMinsForParking()) / 60) + 1;

        if (illegalParkedHour <= 1)



              setFineAmount(25 + ((illegalParkedHour - 1) * 10));

        System.out.println("FineAmount : $" + getFineAmount());

        System.out.println("Name of Police officier :"

+ myPO.getPoliceName());

        System.out.println("BadgeNumber :" + myPO.getBadgeNo());



/* PoliceOfficer class */

public class PoliceOfficer


/* variable declarations */

     String policeName;

    int badgeNo;

     /* get method for PoliceName */

    public String getPoliceName()


          return policeName;


     /* set method for PoliceName */

    public void setPoliceName(String policeName)


          this.policeName = policeName;


     /* get method for BadgeNo */

    public int getBadgeNo()


          return badgeNo;


     /* set method for BadgeNo */

    public void setBadgeNo(int badgeNo)


          this.badgeNo = badgeNo;


     /* method to check time */

    boolean expired(int timePurchace, int timeParked)


          if (timeParked - timePurchace > 0)

              return true;


              return false;


     /* object creation for ParkedCar class */

    ParkedCar myPC = new ParkedCar(null, null, null, null, 0);

    /* object creation for ParkingMeter class */

     ParkingMeter myPM = new ParkingMeter();

     /* main method */

    public static void main(String[] args)


          /* boolean declaration */

          boolean state;

          /* object creation for PoliceOfficer class */

        PoliceOfficer myPO = new PoliceOfficer();

        System.out.println("Enter police officer name :");

          Scanner newSc = new Scanner(;


        System.out.println("Enter police badge number :");


        System.out.println("Enter carMake:");


        System.out.println("Enter carModel:");


        System.out.println("Enter carColor:");


        System.out.println("Enter carLicenceNo:");


        System.out.println("Enter minutes car parked:");


        System.out.println("Enter minutes purchased for parking:");


        state = myPO.expired(myPO.myPM.getMinsForParking(),


        if (state == true)


               /* object creation for ParkingTicket class */

              ParkingTicket pt = new ParkingTicket();

            pt.reportIllegalParkedCar(myPO.myPC, myPO.myPM, myPO);



              System.out.println("Car is parked Legally!");



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