
In: Computer Science

with C# create a console application project that outputs the number of bytes in memory that...

with C# create a console application project that outputs the number of bytes in memory that each of the following number types use, and the minimum and maximum values they can have: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, and decimal.

Try formatting the values into a nice-looking table!

More Information: You can always read the documentation, available at for Composite Formatting to learn how to align text in a console application.

Your output should look something like this:

| Type | Bytes of Memory | Min | Max |


| sbyte | 1 | -128 | 127 |

| byte | 1 | 0 | 255 |

...and so on for all the types.


Expert Solution

You have to use below mentioned properties or mathods get the bytes of memory, Minimum and Maximum value of the data type:

  1. For the bytes of memory used by datatype you have to use sizeof() function that will return the size taken by the datatype.
  2. For checking minimum value of a datatype you have to use a property named MinValue as Datatype.MinValue this will return minimum value of the datatype.
  3. For checkin maximum value of a datatype you have to use a property named MaxValue as Datatype.MaxValue this will return maximum value of the datatype.
using System;

namespace Package1
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("| Type | Bytes of Memory | Min | Max |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| sbyte | {sizeof(sbyte)} | {sbyte.MinValue} | {sbyte.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| byte | {sizeof(byte)} | {byte.MinValue} | {byte.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| short | {sizeof(short)} | {short.MinValue} | {short.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| ushort | {sizeof(ushort)} | {ushort.MinValue} | {ushort.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| int | {sizeof(int)} | {int.MinValue} | {int.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| uint | {sizeof(uint)} | {uint.MinValue} | {uint.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| long | {sizeof(long)} | {long.MinValue} | {long.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| ulong | {sizeof(ulong)} | {ulong.MinValue} | {ulong.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| float | {sizeof(float)} | {float.MinValue} | {float.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| double | {sizeof(double)} | {double.MinValue} | {double.MaxValue} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| decimal | {sizeof(decimal)} | {decimal.MinValue} | {decimal.MaxValue} |");

The output is

Hope this is helpful

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