
In: Computer Science

Problem 2 (Save and Get Info) : Write a program that asks for the user's name,...

Problem 2 (Save and Get Info) : Write a program that asks for the user's name, phone number, and address. The program then saves all information in a data file (each information in one line) named list.txt. Finally, the program reads the information from the file and displays it on the screen  in the following format:

Name: User's Name  
Phone Number: User's Phone Number  
Address: User's Street Address
User's City, State, and Zip Code


Expert Solution

Note=> As it is not written in which programming langauage I am suposed to do it. So, I am solving it in python.


## This cell will add the data in a dictionoray and then store that dictionary in file
import pickle
name=input("Enter Name: ")
phone=input("Enter Phone No: ")
address=input("Enter Address: ")
dict1['Phone Number']=phone
with open('/content/drive/My Drive/list.txt','wb' )as fp: #Addin the path where we want to store the file as list1

## Loading a data from file
with open('/content/drive/My Drive/list.txt','rb') as fp: ## Reading a file from same location
dict1= pickle.load(fp)
for i in dict1.keys() : # iterationg over each key of ditionary
  print(i, " : ",dict1[i] )

Screenshots of code and output :

Storing a data into a file list1.txt.

Reading a data from file:

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