
In: Psychology

Explain Ethical Egoism; how does it differ from Psychological Egoism?

Explain Ethical Egoism; how does it differ from Psychological Egoism?


Expert Solution

Psychological egoism belives that people people work for there on self interest, on the other hand ethical egoism belives that it the action is itself dependent on the slef interst of the person. Ethical egoism is a normative philosophical theory which tell us what should be done. It states that any action which benefits a person, who is doing the action is ethical. This theory states that it is morally right to work and strive to fulfil ones needs and strive to gain benefits for ones own self. Psychological egoism is different in that it does not tell us what to do, but says that people believe in their own self interests. People are motivated to do something only to gain hedonistic pleasure from it, even if it is helping others. Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory, whereas ethical egoism is a normative theory. Psychological egoism is based on the observation of people and how they act, whereas ethical egoism tells us how we should act.

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