In: Computer Science
The MyLinkedList class is a one-way directional linked list that enables one-way traversal of the list. Modify the Node class to add the new field name previous to refer to the previous node in the list, as follows:
public class Node {
E element;
Node next;
Node previous;
public Node(E o) {
element = o;
Implement a new class named MyTwoWayLinkedList that uses a doubly linked list to store elements.
Hint. The MyLinkedList class in the text extends MyAbstractList. You may define MyTwoWayLinkedList to extend the java.util.AbstractSequentialList class. You need to implement the methods listIterator() and listIterator(int index). Both return an instance of java.util.ListIterator. The former sets the cursor to the head of the list and the latter to the element at the specified index.
Program Plan:
• Create class doublyLinkedList.
• Create a static inner class TwoWayLinkedList, which inherits from AbstractSequentialList class, inside the doublyLinkedList class.
• Create an object myList of type TwoWayLinkedList.
• Add elements in the list myList by calling methods add(), addFirst() and addLast().
• Remove elements from the list myList by calling methods remove(), removeFirst() and removeLast().
• Create an object myIterator of type ListIterator and initialize it with the value returned on calling iterator() method of myList.
• Traverse the list myList from beginning to end and then vice versa.
• In static inner class TwoWayLinkedList:
• Create a private inner class LinkedListIterator which implements the ListIterator class.
• Override method getFirst() to return the first element of the list myList.
• Override method getLast() to return the last element of the list myList.
• Override method addFirst() to add an element at the beginning of the list myList.
• Override method addLast() to add an element at the end of the list myList.
• Override method add() to add element at the specified index.
• Override method removeFirst() to remove an element from the beginning of the list myList.
• Override method removeLast() to remove an element from the end of the list myList.
• Override method remove() to remove an element from the specified index in the list myList.
• Override the toString() method to store the content of the list in a string.
• Override the clear() method to empty the list.
• Override the contains() method to check whether the specified object is in the list or not.
• Override the get() method to return the element at the specified index.
• Override the indexOf() method to return the index of the element passed to it.
• Override the lastIndexOf() method to return the index at which the last occurrence of element is.
• Override the set() method so that a new element is placed at the place of the element present at the specified index.
• Override the size() method to return the size of the list.
• Override the iterator() method so that it returns the object of LinkedListIterator.
• Create an inner class LinkedListIterator.
• Create an inner class Node.
• In inner class LinkedListIterator:
• Define the constructor such that the iterator points at the specified index.
• Override the hasNext() method which returns false if the current node is null.
• Override the next() method so that it returns the current element and make the iterator point to the next element.
• Override the remove() method so that it removes the current element.
• Override the hasPrevious() element so that it returns false if the current node does not have predecessor.
• Override the nextIndex() method so that it returns the index of the next element.
• Override the previousIndex() method so that it returns the index of the previous element.
• Override the set() method so that it replaces the current element with the specified element.
• Override the add() method so that it adds an element after the current position of the iterator.
* Program to implement the TwoWayLinkedList and *
* Traverse it using an iterator *
import java.util.ListIterator;
public class doublyLinkedList
public static void main(String[] args)
//Creating myList of TwoWayLinkedList
TwoWayLinkedList myList = new
//adding elements to myList
System.out.println("List after adding elements");
//printing content of the list
System.out.println("List after removing elements");
//printing content of the list
//creating an Iterator class object myIterator for
// myList
java.util.ListIterator myIterator =
//traversing myList
System.out.println("\nTraversing the list using "
+"the iterator from head to tail:");
System.out.print( +" ");
//setting Iterator to last element
myIterator = myList.listIterator(myList.size-1);
System.out.println("\nTraversing the list using "
+"the iterator from tail to head:");
// run loop till myIterator has previous element
System.out.print(myIterator.previous() + " ");
// Class TwoWayLinkedList contains methods to
//manipulate and create a Two way linked list
static class TwoWayLinkedList extends
private Node head, tail;
private int size;
//constructor of TwoWayLinkedList
public TwoWayLinkedList()
//creating a list and filling it with objectArray
public TwoWayLinkedList(E[] objectArray)
for (E eObj : objectArray)
// method to return first element in list
public E getFirst()
//checking if list is empty
if (size == 0)
return null;
//returning head element
return head.element;
// method to return last element of list
public E getLast()
//if list is empty
if (size == 0)
return null;
//returning tail element
return tail.element;
// method to add an object to the front
public void addFirst(E eObj)
//creating a new node
Node newNode = new Node<>(eObj);
//pointing the next element of node to the head = head;
//making head point to the newNode
head = newNode;
//incrementing the size of list
//if newNode is only element in list
if (tail == null)
//tail and head are same
tail = head;
//if there are elements already in the list
if (head != tail)
//to implement the two way List = head;
//this method adds an element to the end of the
//list myList
public void addLast(E eObj)
//create newNode, a node, to be added
Node newNode = new Node<>(eObj);
//to store the tail element
Node temp = tail;
//tail is null implies that the list myList is
if (tail == null)
//both head and tail points to the newNode
head = tail = newNode;
//if list myList is not empty
//last element's next point to newNode = newNode; // Link the new with
//the last node
//make newNode the tail
tail =;
//increment the size of the list
//make the previous of new tail point to the
//previous tail
tail.previous = temp;
//to add a new element at the specified index
public void add(int index, E eObj)
//if specified index is 0
if (index == 0)
//call addFirst method to add element at
//the front
//if specified index is greater than the size
//of the list
else if (index >= size)
//call addLast method to add element at the
//if specified index is in between
//create a new node, current and initialize
//it with head
Node current = head;
//traverse to the specified index
for (int idx = 1; idx < index; idx++)
current =;
//create a temp node
Node temp =;
//add element after the current = new Node<>(eObj);
//next element of current point to the temp
( = temp;
//increment the size of the list myList
//previous of temp is next of current
temp.previous =;
//previous of current's next is now current = current;
//remove the head element of the myList and return
//the element in the head
public E removeFirst()
//if list myList is empty
if (size == 0)
//return null
return null;
//if list myList is not empty
//create a temp node and assign head to it
Node temp = head;
//make the successor of head the new head
head =;
head.previous = null;
//decrement the size of the list
//if the removed element was the only
if (head == null)
//make the tail point to null
tail = null;
//return the removed element
return temp.element;
//remove the tail element of the list and
//return the element in the tail
public E removeLast()
//switch the size of the list myList
switch (size)
//if the list myList is empty
case 0:
return null;
//if the element to be reomved is the only
//element in the list myList
case 1:
//create a temp node and assign head to
Node temp = head;
//make head and tail null
head = tail = null;
//make the size of the list 0 as list
//is empty now
size = 0;
//return the removed element
return temp.element;
//if size of list myList is more than 1
//create a temp node and store tail
//element in it
Node temp = tail;
//make the predecessor of the tail the
//new tail
tail = tail.previous;
//make next of tail null = null;
//decrement the size of the list myList
//return the removed element
return temp.element;
//method to remove the element at the specified
//position in the list myList
public E remove(int index)
//if the specified index is out of bound
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
//no element will be removed
return null;
//if the specified index is 0 then remove
//the first element by calling method
else if (index == 0)
//call method removeFirst
return removeFirst();
//if the specified index is size -1 then remove
//the last element by calling method removelast
else if (index == size - 1)
//call method removeLast
return removeLast();
//if the element to be removed is in between
//create a temporary head node
Node current = head;
//traveerse to the element to be removed
for (int idx = 1; idx < index; idx++)
current =;
//temo node to store the next element of
//the current
Node temp =;
//removing the node =;
//updating the previous of the successor of
//the temp as this is a TwoWayList = current;
//decrement the size
//return the removed element
return temp.element;
// method to convert to string
public String toString()
// creating StringBuilder class object
StringBuilder listContent = new
// setting current node as head
Node current = head;
// run loop to convert the elements to string
for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
current =;
if (current != null)
// Separate two elements by a comma
listContent.append(", ");
// Insert the closing bracket ‘]’ in
//the output string
// returning the list as string
return listContent.toString();
// clear the list myList
public void clear()
// setting head and tail as null
head = tail = null;
// method to check if myList has the specified
public boolean contains(Object eObj)
// assigning current node as head
Node current = head;
// run loop to check if the given object
//matches the element in the list
for(int idx=0;idx
if(current.element == eObj)
// if element matches return true
return true;
current =;
return false;
// return the element at the specified index
public E get(int index)
// if the given index within a specified range
if(index>=0 && index
// setting current node as head
Node current = head;
// running loop to check and return element
//at given index
for(int idx=0;idx
current =;
return current.element;
// else return null
return null;
// return the index of the specified element
public int indexOf(Object eObj)
// setting current node as head
Node current = head;
// running a loop to check if the given element
//matches the element in the list and return
//its position
for(int idx=0;idx
// if element matches the given object then
//return the position
if(current.element == eObj)
return idx;
current =;
return -1;
// method to return the index of last matching
// element
public int lastIndexOf(Object eObj)
int l=-1;
// assigning the current node as head
Node current = head;
// run loop to check the last index of the
//given element
for(int idx=0;idx
if(current.element == eObj)
current =;
return l;
// method to replace the element at specified index
public E set(int index, E eObj)
// check if the index is between a specified
// range
if(index>=0 && index < size)
// setting current node as head
Node current = head;
// running the loop till given object is
// found and replacing it
for(int idx=0;idx
current =;
current.element = eObj;
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
("Index: " + index + ", Size: "
+ size);
return null;
// Overriding the iterator method
public java.util.ListIterator iterator()
return new LinkedListIterator<>();
// method to return iterator object for a given
// index
public ListIterator listIterator(int index)
return new LinkedListIterator<>(index);
// this class is used to implement linked list
// iterator
private class LinkedListIterator implements
// Current index
private Node current = (Node) head;
int index = 0;
// constructor
public LinkedListIterator()
// parameterized constructor
public LinkedListIterator(int index)
if (index < 0 || index > size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
("Index: " + index + ", Size: "
+ size);
for (int nextIndex = 0; nextIndex < index;
current =;
// method to check next element
public boolean hasNext()
return (current != null);
// method to return next element
public E next()
E eObj = current.element;
current =;
return eObj;
// method to remove the element
public void remove()
current =;
current.previous = null;
{ =; =
// checking if the list has previous element
public boolean hasPrevious()
return current != null;
// method to return the next index
public int nextIndex()
return index+1;
// method to return the previous element
public E previous()
E eObj = current.element;
current = current.previous;
return eObj;
// method to return previous index
public int previousIndex()
return index-1;
// method to set the object in the list
public void set(E eObj)
current.element = eObj;
// method to add a object to the list
public void add(E eObj)
Node newNode = new Node<>(eObj);
Node temp =;
newNode.previous = current; = newNode;
{ =;
newNode.previous = current; = newNode; = newNode;
// this class implements a node for linked list
public class Node
// defining variables
E element;
Node next;
Node previous;
// constructor
public Node(E o)
element = o;
// method to return size
public int size()
return size;
Sample Output:
List after adding elements
[2, 1, 9, 3, 4, 10, 1, 8]
List after removing elements
[1, 9, 3, 10, 1]
Traversing the list using the iterator from head to tail:
1 9 3 10 1
Traversing the list using the iterator from tail to head:
1 10 3 9 1
i hope it helps..
If you have any doubts please comment and please don't dislike.