
In: Computer Science

The language is java package hw; public class MyLinkedList<E> { SLLNode<E> head = null; public MyLinkedList()...

The language is java

package hw;

public class MyLinkedList<E> {
        SLLNode<E> head = null;
        public MyLinkedList() {} // O(1)
        public MyLinkedList(E[] elements) { // O(elements.length)
                for(int i=elements.length-1;i>=0;i--)
        public void printLinkedList() { // T(N) = O(N)
                System.out.print("printLinkedList(): ");
                SLLNode<E> node = head;
                while(node != null) {
                        System.out.print( + " ");
                        node =; // move to the next node
        public void add(E e) { // T(N) = O(1)
                SLLNode<E> newNode = new SLLNode<E>(e);
       = head;
                head = newNode;
        public SLLNode<E> search(E e){// best-case: O(1)  worst-case: O(N)
                SLLNode<E> node = head;
                while(node != null) {
                        if( // check if is equal to 'e'
                                return node;
                        node =;
                return null;    
        public int remove(E e) { // best-case: O(1), worst-case: O(N)
                // if e is found, remove the node and return 1
                // if e is not found, return 0
                SLLNode<E> node = head;
                SLLNode<E> prev = null;
                while(node != null) {
                        if( {
                                if(prev == null) 
                                        head =;
                                return 1;
                        prev = node;
                        node =;
                return 0;
        public int size() { // O(N)
                // return the number of elements in the linked list
                SLLNode<E> node = head;
                int count=0;
                while(node != null) {
                        node =;
                return count;                   
        public void repeatEach() { // O(N)
                // duplicate each element in the list
                // eg) this list has [10, 20, 30] and this method change it to [10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30];
                SLLNode<E> node = head;
                SLLNode<E> newNode;
                while(node != null) {
                        newNode = new SLLNode<E>(;
               = newNode;
                        node =; //;
        public void clear() { // O(1)
                head = null;
        public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null;}; // O(1)
        public boolean isFull() { return false; }       // O(1)
        public E get(int idx) { // O(idx)
                // return the value at the given index
                // eg) For a list {10,20,30,40}, get(2) will return 30
                // Assume that idx is valid, i.e. 0<= idx < size()
        public void set(int idx, E val) { // O(idx)
                // set the node's value at the given index with given value
                // eg) For a list {10,20,30,40}, set(2,100) will change it into {10,20,100,40}
                // Assume that idx is valid, i.e. 0<= idx < size()
        public void addAt(int idx, E val) { // O(idx)
                // insert a node of given value at the given index while pushing some nodes to the right
                // eg) For a list {10,20,30,40}, addAt(2,100) will change it into {10,20,100,30,40}
                // Hint: You may want to stop at idx-1 position to make connections.
                // Assume that idx is valid, i.e. 0<= idx <= size()
        public E[] toArray() { // O(numElements)
                // return an array that contains all the elements(numbers) in the list
        public MyLinkedList<E> clone() { // O(numElements)
                // return a copy of 'this' object. 
                // Any change made to the copy should be independent of this object.
        public void removeAll(E val) { // O(numElements)
                // remove all the nodes with given value
                // This is a bonus problem (+5 points). 
                // It is hard. Don't spend too much time on this. You don't lose points if you don't do this.


package hw;

public class MyLinkedListDemo {
        static void printArray(Object[] objs){          
                for(int i=0; i<objs.length;i++)              
                        System.out.print(objs[i]+" ");  
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                MyLinkedList<Integer> mynums1 = new MyLinkedList<Integer>(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
//              // testing get()
//              System.out.println(mynums1.get(0));
//              System.out.println(mynums1.get(1));
//              System.out.println(mynums1.get(4));
//              // testing set(idx,val)
//              mynums1.set(1,10); mynums1.printLinkedList();
//              mynums1.set(4,20); mynums1.printLinkedList();
//              mynums1.set(0,50); mynums1.printLinkedList();

//              // testing addAt(idx,val)
//              mynums1.addAt(5,300); mynums1.printLinkedList();
//              mynums1.addAt(5,100); mynums1.printLinkedList();
//              mynums1.addAt(0,200); mynums1.printLinkedList();

//              // testing toArray()
//              printArray(mynums1.toArray());
//              // testing removeAll()
//              MyLinkedList<Integer> mynums2 = new MyLinkedList<Integer>(new Integer[] {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2});
//              mynums2.printLinkedList();
//              mynums2.removeAll(2); mynums2.printLinkedList();
//              mynums2.removeAll(1); mynums2.printLinkedList();
//              mynums2.removeAll(3); mynums2.printLinkedList();


Expert Solution

package hw;

public class SLLNode<E> {
public Object info;
public SLLNode<E> next;
public SLLNode() {
next = null;
public SLLNode(Object el) {
info = el; next = null;
public SLLNode(Object el, SLLNode<E> ptr) {
info = el; next = ptr;

package hw;

public class MyLinkedList<E>
SLLNode<E> head = null;

public MyLinkedList() {} // O(1)

public MyLinkedList(E[] elements)
{ // O(elements.length)
for(int i=elements.length-1;i>=0;i--)
public void printLinkedList()
{ // T(N) = O(N)
System.out.print("printLinkedList(): ");
SLLNode<E> node = head;
while(node != null) {
System.out.print( + " ");
node =; // move to the next node
public void add(E e)
{ // T(N) = O(1)
SLLNode<E> newNode = new SLLNode<E>(e); = head;
head = newNode;
public SLLNode<E> search(E e){// best-case: O(1) worst-case: O(N)
SLLNode<E> node = head;
while(node != null) {
if( // check if is equal to 'e'
return node;
node =;
return null;
public int remove(E e)
{ // best-case: O(1), worst-case: O(N)
// if e is found, remove the node and return 1
// if e is not found, return 0
SLLNode<E> node = head;
SLLNode<E> prev = null;
while(node != null) {
if( {
if(prev == null)
head =;
else =;
return 1;
prev = node;
node =;
return 0;
public int size() { // O(N)
// return the number of elements in the linked list
SLLNode<E> node = head;
int count=0;
while(node != null) {
node =;
return count;   
public void repeatEach()
{ // O(N)
// duplicate each element in the list
// eg) this list has [10, 20, 30] and this method change it to [10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30];
SLLNode<E> node = head;
SLLNode<E> newNode;
while(node != null) {
newNode = new SLLNode<E>(; =; = newNode;
node =; //;
public void clear()
{ // O(1)
head = null;
public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null;}; // O(1)
public boolean isFull() { return false; } // O(1)
public E get(int idx) {
   int index = 0;
SLLNode<E> node = head;
while(node != null) {
if(index == idx) // check if is equal to 'e'
return (E);
node =;
return null;   
public void set(int idx, E val) { // O(idx)
   int index = 0;
SLLNode<E> newNode = new SLLNode<E>(val); = null;
   if(idx == 0)
   { = head;
       head = newNode;
SLLNode<E> node = head;
SLLNode<E> prev = null;
while(node != null)
if(index == idx)
{ = node; = newNode;
prev = node;
node =;
// set the node's value at the given index with given value
// eg) For a list {10,20,30,40}, set(2,100) will change it into {10,20,100,40}
// Assume that idx is valid, i.e. 0<= idx < size()
public void addAt(int idx, E val) { // O(idx)
   int index = 0;
SLLNode<E> newNode = new SLLNode<E>(val); = null;
   if(idx == 0)
   { = head;
       head = newNode;
SLLNode<E> node = head;
SLLNode<E> prev = null;
while(node != null)
if(index == idx)
{ = node; = newNode;
prev = node;
node =;
// insert a node of given value at the given index while pushing some nodes to the right
// eg) For a list {10,20,30,40}, addAt(2,100) will change it into {10,20,100,30,40}
// Hint: You may want to stop at idx-1 position to make connections.
// Assume that idx is valid, i.e. 0<= idx <= size()
public E[] toArray() { // O(numElements)
// return an array that contains all the elements(numbers) in the list
   int n = size();
   E[] arr = (E[]) new Object[n] ;
SLLNode<E> node = head;
int index=0;
while(node != null) {
   arr[index] = (E);
node =;
   return arr;
public MyLinkedList<E> clone() { // O(numElements)
// return a copy of 'this' object.
// Any change made to the copy should be independent of this object.
MyLinkedList<E> newArray = new MyLinkedList<E>(this.toArray());

   return newArray;    
public void removeAll(E val) { // O(numElements)
   while(search(val) != null)
// remove all the nodes with given value
// This is a bonus problem (+5 points).
// It is hard. Don't spend too much time on this. You don't lose points if you don't do this.

package hw;

public class MyLinkedListDemo {
static void printArray(Object[] objs){
for(int i=0; i<objs.length;i++)
System.out.print(objs[i]+" ");
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyLinkedList<Integer> mynums1 = new MyLinkedList<Integer>(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
// // testing get()
// // testing set(idx,val)
mynums1.set(1,10); mynums1.printLinkedList();
mynums1.set(4,20); mynums1.printLinkedList();
mynums1.set(0,50); mynums1.printLinkedList();

// // testing addAt(idx,val)
mynums1.addAt(5,300); mynums1.printLinkedList();
mynums1.addAt(5,100); mynums1.printLinkedList();
mynums1.addAt(0,200); mynums1.printLinkedList();

// // testing toArray()
// // testing removeAll()
MyLinkedList<Integer> mynums2 = new MyLinkedList<Integer>(new Integer[] {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2});
mynums2.removeAll(2); mynums2.printLinkedList();
mynums2.removeAll(1); mynums2.printLinkedList();
mynums2.removeAll(3); mynums2.printLinkedList();
//testing clone
System.out.println("Testing clone");
MyLinkedList<Integer> newArray = mynums1.clone();

Sample I/O and output

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