
In: Computer Science

JAVA How to make a graph class that uses a linked list class to store nodes...


How to make a graph class that uses a linked list class to store nodes and linked list within each node to store adjacency list

The linked list class has been made already.  

import java.util.*;

public class LinkedList implements Iterable
private int size = 0;
private Node head;
private Node tail;

private class Node
private T data;
private Node prev;
private Node next;

public Node(T data)
{ = data;



public Iterator iterator()
return new LinkedListIterator(this);

private class LinkedListIterator implements Iterator
private Node iterNext;

public LinkedListIterator(LinkedList theList)
iterNext = theList.head;

public boolean hasNext()
return (iterNext != null);

public T next()
T value;
if (iterNext == null)
value = null;
value =;
iterNext =;
return value;

public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");

public void insertFirst(T value)

Node nodeVal = new Node(value);

{ = null;
nodeVal.prev = null;
head = nodeVal;
tail = nodeVal;
{ = head;
nodeVal.prev = null;
head.prev = nodeVal;
head = nodeVal;

public void insertLast(T value)

Node nodeVal = new Node(value);

if (isEmpty())
{ = null;
nodeVal.prev = null;
head = nodeVal;
tail = nodeVal;
{ = nodeVal; = null;
nodeVal.prev = tail;
tail = nodeVal;

public int size()

return size;


public boolean isEmpty()
return size() == 0;

public Node deleteFirst()

Node returnVal;

if (isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Empty list");   

Node temp = head;
returnVal = head;
head =;
head.prev = null;

return returnVal;

public Node deleteLast()

Node returnVal;
if (isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Empty list");
Node temp = tail;
returnVal = tail;
tail = temp.prev; = null;

return returnVal;

public Object peekFirst()
if (isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty list");


public Object peekLast()
if (isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty list");

public void printNodes(LinkedList list)

Iterator itr = list.iterator();

System.out.println("Here is the current list");
System.out.println("The list is empty\n");
T o = (T)(;
System.out.print(o + " ");




IMPORTANT! The graph class must include these class fields;

vertices, edges (of type LinkedList)

and must include these methods;

a constructor, insertVertex, insertEdge, hasVertex, getVertexCount, getEdgeCount, getVertex, getEdge, getAdjacent, getAdjacentE


Expert Solution

The code is explained in the inline comments.

Graphs used to test:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

public class Graph<T> {

   HashMap< T , LinkedList<T>> graph;
   public Graph() {
       graph = new HashMap<T , LinkedList<T>>();
   * The below method is used to add the edge in the graph
   * @param graph
   * @param src
   * @param dest
   public void addEdge(HashMap<T , LinkedList<T>> graph , T src , T dest) {
           // if graph already has the source node
       }else {
           // if graph doesn't have source node
           LinkedList<T> res = new LinkedList<T>();
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // we implement graph in adjacency list format
       // for testing I'm using the graph with integers
       Graph<Integer> g =new Graph<Integer>();
       // for undirected graph in both directions
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 71 , 52);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 52, 71);

       g.addEdge(g.graph, 71 , 85);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 85, 71);

       g.addEdge(g.graph, 85, 52);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 52, 85);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 64, 85);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 85, 64);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 85, 96);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 96, 85);

       g.addEdge(g.graph, 52, 64);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 64, 52);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 52, 93);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 93, 52);

       g.addEdge(g.graph, 93, 64);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 64, 93);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 96, 64);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 64, 96);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 96, 93);
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 93, 96);
// for directed graph we need to use only 1 edges
       g.addEdge(g.graph, 71 , 52);

   * The below method is used to get the string format of object for all the destinations from the node
   * @param list
   * @return
   public String getNodesAsStr(LinkedList<T> list) {

       Iterator itr = list.iterator();
       String res = "";

           while (itr.hasNext()) {
               T o = (T) (;
               if(res!="") {
                   res = res +" -> "+o;  
               }else {res += o;}
       return res;

   * The below method is used to represent the graph
   public void printGraphInAdjacencyList() {
       Iterator<Entry<T, LinkedList<T>>> keys = graph.entrySet().iterator();
       while (keys.hasNext()) {
       Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry);
       LinkedList<T> res = (LinkedList<T>) pair.getValue();
       System.out.println(pair.getKey() + " => " +getNodesAsStr(res));

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