
In: Operations Management

91). SMART is the right approach. After reading a SMART goal, what to do and when...

91). SMART is the right approach. After reading a SMART goal, what to do and when should be crystal clear.


Expert Solution

It's right to say SMART is the right approach. After reading a SMART goal we have to do the following practices to be very much crystal clear and to achieve the SMART goal effectively:

1.Being specific and clear with the goal. Don't just day it I want to achieve good amount or health or say anything in smart manner. Make the goal a measurable one.

2.Monitor your progress in what your are going to achieve and do it SMARTLY. Be it in organisation or in your academic or anywhere.

3. Understand your weakness is a big key in achieving the goal SMARTLY, that will not weaker you but will make you stand up strong in the situations.

4. Take accountability in what you are doing or looking for. In other words take ownership & lead your team. Surely you will be benefitted by it in a great manner.

5. Don't be bored person while achieving the goal rather have fun in between and do the work in a SMART way.

6. One of the most important thing is to break the goal down in steps like we say whole to parts which will help you in achieving it in a SMART manner.

By doing and keeping all these points in mind one can achieve the goal very effectively. Remember SMART is not just a word but it definitely plays a great role especially when you are in a crowd in achieving the goal. You are competing with many in the ground. So be crystal clear and position and do a SMART work.There is no mantra for crystal clear, just by looking at the goal and from the past successes and achievements of the task you can be a crystal clear for the SMARTLY achievement of the goal.

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