
In: Computer Science

Write the DML code to add the first row of each table to the database.

Write the DML code to add the first row of each table to the database.


Expert Solution

Question: Write the DML code to add the first row of each table to the database.

Sol: To add the first row of table or if you want to change an existing row, INSERT statement is used. The INSERT statement adds rows to a table. In addition, INSERT specifies the table or view that data will be inserted into. Remember that rows in a table have no inherent order. You can only refer to rows by specific column values (usually key values). The ordering of rows in a result set is arbitrary (unless you use ORDER BY); they have no inherent position. The INSERT statement is sometimes referred to as an INSERT INTO statement.

The syntax for the INSERT statement is:

INSERT [INTO] Table_name

When inserting rows with the INSERT statement, these rules apply:

  • Inserting an empty string (‘ ‘) into a varchar or text column inserts a single space.
  • All char columns are right-padded to the defined length.
  • All trailing spaces are removed from data inserted into varchar columns, except in strings that contain only spaces. These strings are truncated to a single space.
  • If an INSERT statement violates a constraint, default or rule, or if it is the wrong data type, the statement fails and SQL Server displays an error message.

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