
In: Finance

Create an excel spreadsheet with the following information Mary Fernandez is a student in the Spring...

Create an excel spreadsheet with the following information

Mary Fernandez is a student in the Spring Quarter class of Enterprise Finance. It is now 7:30 AM and she is attending the October meeting of the San Diego Venture Group. There are approximately 300 people attending the meeting: bankers, accountants, lawyers, headhunters and entrepreneurs. Mary is a bit lost and wanders to the back of the room to get a cup of coffee. Looking for the cream for her coffee she stumbles into John Thompson.

John is the son of a doctor who majored in Computer Science while at UCLA. He has relocated back to San Diego and for the last four years he has been a software engineer.

John is an avid waterman. He surfs, swims, paddles and stand up paddles every day and hopes to do so the remainder of his life. John has found that FitBit, the Apple Watch and other devices do not work for him. John needs something that is waterproof, can track his efforts if he is running or biking and calculate his calorie and level of exercise if he is swimming, surfing, paddling, etc. There are devices that handle part of what he is looking for but nothing seems to have it all. John decides to write the programing that will be the basis for the “Iron Fit” that keep track off John’s exercise activities no matter what he is doing.

After a year plus of effort John has written the necessary software and through friends has come up with a product design. After going through a number of prototypes John has finally come up with a product and is looking to roll it out. Friends have told him that the surf and action sport market is where he should first launch the product. John wants to immediately roll out to bicycle shops, running shops and others. The ultimate goal is to sell the product through the major sporting goods retailers and big box stores. The initial reactions to the Iron Fit have been overwhelmingly positive. The next step is for John to raise some money and build a company but he is at a loss as to how to build the financial statements required for presentations to Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists.

Mary tells John that she would be happy to build the model. John mentions that he will need to hire 3 additional engineers to continue to refine and expand the product. Each engineer makes approximately $120,000 per year. In addition, he will need two VPs of marketing. One to sell the product to the action sports industry and one to sell the product to traditional bicycle, running and fitness shops. Each VP will command a salary of $150,000 per year. In addition, they will manage 3 sales people each, six total within the Company, at approximately $80,000 per annum. The marketing budget, for advertising and other materials, will be $350,000 for each marketing group per year or $700,000 for the Company as a whole. Marketing expenses are expected to be spent in an equal amount per month. The initial back office will contain an accountant @ $80,000 and two receptionists/secretaries @ $40,000. Additional salary expenses, including payroll taxes, health insurance and other benefits, are budgeted at 30% of total salaries. John hopes to make a salary of $175,000. Annual office expenses including occupancy are expected to be $25,000. John expects his salary expenses to increase by 5% in the second year and the other expenses to increase by 10%.

Capital expenses include a computer for each individual, $1,000, two network printers, $1,000, telephone, $1,000, two servers, $5,000 each, software, $10,000, and networking, $1,000.

John expects his gross margin as a % of sales to be 50%. The sales price of the Iron Fit will be $125.00 to stores with the retail price being approximately $160.00.   John is planning to keep the sale price constant in the second year in order to grab more market share.

Please complete an initial model for John’s company for the first two years. (This will require a month by month analysis.) What is the amount of capital needed? Assuming a required rate of return by investors of 20% per annum and the sale of the company at the end of the second year at seven times Year 2 EBITDA what is the company worth? (Please note that when discounting monthly cash flows you will need to divide the interest rate by 12.) What do you think about this deal? What questions do you need to ask if you were an investor?

Estimated Number of Units Sold

Month       Month         Month       Month         Month       Month      

1                2                3                4                5                6

0                250            500            1,000         5,000         6,000

Month       Month         Month       Month         Month       Month      

7                8                9                10              11              12

7,000         8,000         8,000         8,000         9,000         9,000

Month       Month         Month       Month         Month       Month      

13              14              15              16              17              18

10,000       10,000         12,000       12,000         15,000       15,000

Month       Month         Month       Month         Month       Month      

19              20              21              22              23              24

17,000       17,000         20,000       20,000         20,000       20,000


Expert Solution

Initial capital needed
Computer (15#*1000) 15000
Two net work printers 1000
Telephone 1000
Two servers 10000
Software 10000
N/Wkg 1000
Total 38000
#Total no.of individuals
Engineers 3
VPs 2
Sales people under each VP(2*3) 6
A/ctant 1
Receptionist/sec. 2
John 1
Total no.of individuals 15
Month 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.Initial capital exp. (As in Table) -38000
1.Sales units 0 250 500 1000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8000 8000 9000 9000
2.Selling price/unit 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
3.Gross Margin(2*50%) 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5
4.Total Gross margin(1*3) 0 15625 31250 62500 312500 375000 437500 500000 500000 500000 562500 562500
5.Engineer's salary(120000/12*3) -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000
6. VP's salary(150000/12*2) -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000
7. Sales salary(80000/12) -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667
8. Mktg. exp.(700000/12) -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333
9. Back office salaries(80000+40000)12 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000
10. Benefits(5+6+7+9+11)*30% -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875 -25875
11.John's salary(175000/12) -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583 -14583
12.Office exp.(25000/12) -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083 -2083
14.Net cash flow(0+4+(5 to 12)) -38000 -172542 -156917 -141292 -110042 139958 202458 264958 327458.3 327458 327458 389958.3 389958
15.EV at end Yr. 2
16.Total (14+15) -38000 -172542 -156917 -141292 -110042 139958 202458 264958 327458.3 327458 327458 389958.3 389958
PV F at 20%12=1.67% 1 0.98357 0.9674 0.9515 0.9359 0.9205 0.90541 0.89053 0.875906 0.86152 0.84737 0.833449 0.81976
PV at 1.67% -38000 -169708 -151804 -134443 -102988 128835 183307 235954 286822.7 282111 277478 325010.3 319672
NPV /Company's present worth 53919832
Month 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
0.Initial capital exp. (As in Table)
1.Sales units 10000 10000 12000 12000 15000 15000 17000 17000 20000 20000 20000 20000
2.Selling price/unit 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
3.Gross Margin(2*50%) 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
4.Total Gross margin(1*3) 625000 625000 750000 750000 937500 937500 1062500 1062500 1250000 1250000 1250000 1250000
5.Engineer's salary(120000/12*3) -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000 -30000
6. VP's salary(150000/12*2) -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000 -25000
7. Sales salary(80000/12) -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667 -6667
8. Mktg. exp.(700000/12) -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333 -58333
9. Back office salaries(80000+40000)12 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000
10. Benefits(5+6+7+9+11)*30% -26093.8 -26094 -26094 -26094 -26094 -26094 -26094 -26094 -26093.8 -26094 -26094 -26093.8
11.John's salary(175000/12) -15312.5 -15313 -15313 -15313 -15313 -15313 -15313 -15313 -15312.5 -15313 -15313 -15312.5
12.Office exp.(25000/12) -2291.67 -2291.7 -2291.7 -2291.7 -2291.7 -2292 -2291.7 -2291.7 -2291.67 -2291.7 -2291.7 -2291.67
14.Net cash flow(0+4+(5 to 12)) 451302 451302 576302 576302 763802 763802 888802 888802 1076302 1076302 1076302 1076302 9665625 Yr. 2 EBITDA
15.EV at end Yr. 2 67659375 EV=9665625*7
16.Total (14+15) 451302 451302 576302 576302 763802 763802 888802 888802 1076302 1076302 1076302 68735677
PV F at 20%12=1.67% 0.806294 0.79305 0.78 0.7672 0.75461 0.7422 0.73002 0.71803 0.706237 0.69464 0.68323 0.672005
PV at 1.67% 363882 357905 449529 442145 576372 566905 648846 638188 760124.8 747639 735359 46190690

The deal is good as the NPV is POSITIVE.

As an investor, on eneeds to sure about:

1. continued demand as projected

2. possibility of escalation in costs projected.

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