
In: Operations Management

Purpose: This exercise evokes a description of your organization from a dynamic living organism perspective. Goal:...

Purpose: This exercise evokes a description of your organization from a dynamic living organism perspective.

Goal: To draw an animal that best represents our organization – real or imaginary?

Instructions: In your group, reach some agreement with answers to the following questions or statements. The answers must be represented on the drawing…no words are allowed!
What animal (real or imaginary really depicts the organization today?
Describe this animal in detail.
Is it male, female, neither, both?
Describe its temperament…gentle, domestic, wild, unpredictable.
What are its feeding habits, living routines, and other habits?
Describe its environment, how it succeeds in competition for food?
What are its strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities?
How does it relate to the internal systems which comprise it? Does it use its organs for functions to its advantage or cause harm to it?
How would you adapt or change the animal if you had the power to do so and why? (to be explained after the drawing is completed)


Expert Solution

Attached herewith is the drawing of thought out animal which is a "cow".

Animal: Cow


1. Gentle in normal environment, in case of threat can defend as well as attack as it has predator like teeth and horns

2. It is female, has care and trust with customer as well as internal stakeholders

3. For food it remains in the green field where enough food is available and can have a stomach full with less conflicts among other species, it focus on grazing rather than aggressively marking territory.

4. It's gentleness is its strength as it is considerate of all stakeholders. No defense mechanism at back side is its weakness as it can be attacked from behind. Slow movement and unability to see far is its vulnerability.

5. It takes grass (raw material) as food, which is grinded and converted in finished good in the mouth, stomach is the area where all marketing, packaging and product planning happens, heart is the head office which pumps in central idea to whole body in form of blood. Sales system is intestine which monetizes finished good and earn liquidity for company.

6. It has different shades on its body, represents it can accomodate different cultures and etnicities both at external as well as internal stakeholders point of view.

7. Its teeth have been modified so it can bite hard in case of defense, as well if aggression required.

Changin the animal:

1. fast movement: In current competition fast movement is required, so this cow would be converted in an animal having legs like that of a horse, good for fast and log runs and good for different geographies.

2. Vision: This animal must have a vision of far, so its eyes would be that of an eagle.

3. As from back it is vulnerable, keeping horse legs, would also provide it with defense mechanism.

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