
In: Computer Science

#ifndef PROJ7_MYVECTOR #define PROJ7_MYVECTOR #include "proj7-ContainerIfc.h" template <class T> class MyVector : public ContainerIfc<T> { public:...



#include "proj7-ContainerIfc.h"

template <class T>

class MyVector : public ContainerIfc<T>




* MyVector


* This is the default constructor that sets size equal

* to 0 and capacity to 10.


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none




* ~MyVector


* This is the destructor that deletes memory


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none




* MyVector


* This is the copy constructor


* Parameters:

* v: the object that you want to copy over


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


MyVector(const MyVector &);


* = operator


* This is the overloaded assignment operator


* Parameters:

* v: the object that you want to copy over


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


MyVector<T> &operator=(const MyVector &);


* pushFront


* Prepends a value to the array


* Parameters:

* e: The value that you want to prepend


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


MyVector<T> &pushFront(T);


* pushBack


* Appends a vlue to the array


* Parameters:

* e: The value that you want to append


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


MyVector<T> &pushBack(T);


* popFront


* Removes the first index of the array and shifts all elements leftward


* Parameters:

* e: The value that was removed


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: e

* stream: none


MyVector<T> &popFront(T &);


* popBack


* Removes the last index of the array


* Parameters:

* e: The value that was removed


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


MyVector<T> &popBack(T &);


* front


* Returns the first element of the array


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: Copy of the first data item in the MyVector

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


T front();


* back


* Returns the last element of the array


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: Returns a copy of the last data item in MyVector

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


T back();


* [] operator


* Returns a reference to data element n in MyVector


* Parameters:

* n: index of item to return


* Output:

* return: Returns a reference to data element n in MyVector

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


T &operator[](int);


* getSize


* Returns size of MyVector array


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: an integer value representing the number of elements in the list

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


int getSize();


* isEmpty


* Returns state information about the list


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: Returns state information about the list

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


bool isEmpty();


* erase


* Erases a vector


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


void erase();


T *data;

int size;

int capacity;


* grow


* Increases the capacity of data by doubling the previous value and allocating

* the appropriate memory for data


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


void grow();


* shiftRight


* Shifts all values in the array one space to the right


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


void shiftRight();


* shiftLeft


* Shifts all values in the array one space to the left


* Parameters: none


* Output:

* return: none

* reference parameters: none

* stream: none


void shiftLeft();


template <class T>



this->size = 0;

this->capacity = 10;

this->data = new T[this->capacity];


template <class T>



delete[] this->data;


template <class T>

MyVector<T>::MyVector(const MyVector &v)


this->size = v.size;

this->capacity = v.capacity;

this->data = new T[this->capacity];

// Copy each array item over

for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)


this->data[i] =[i];



template <class T>

MyVector<T> &MyVector<T>::operator=(const MyVector &v)


this->size = v.size;

this->capacity = v.capacity;

this->data = new T[this->capacity];

// Copy each array item over

for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)


this->data[i] =[i];


return *this;


template <class T>

MyVector<T> &MyVector<T>::pushFront(T e)


// Resize if necessary

if (this->size == this->capacity)




// Shift elements to the right


// Add new value to first index of array

this->data[0] = e;

// Increment size


return *this;


template <class T>

MyVector<T> &MyVector<T>::pushBack(T e)


// Resize if necessary

if (this->size == this->capacity)




// Add value to array

this->data[this->size] = e;

// Increment size


return *this;


template <class T>

MyVector<T> &MyVector<T>::popFront(T &e)


// Throw BADINDEX if empty

if (this->size <= 0)


throw BADINDEX();


// Set e equal to the first value

e = this->front();

// Shift elements to the left removing the first index


// Decrement size


return *this;


template <class T>

MyVector<T> &MyVector<T>::popBack(T &e)


// Throw BADINDEX if empty

if (this->size <= 0)


throw BADINDEX();


// Set e equal to the last value

e = this->back();

// Remove last element by creating new array and copying values

T *temp = new T[this->capacity];

// Ignore last element and copy all values

for (int i = 0; i < this->size - 1; i++)


temp[i] = this->data[i];


// Deallocate current array

delete[] this->data;

// Allocate new temp array

this->data = temp;

// Decrement size


return *this;


template <class T>

T MyVector<T>::front()


// Throw BADINDEX if empty

if (this->size <= 0)


throw BADINDEX();


return this->data[0];


template <class T>

T MyVector<T>::back()


// Throw BADINDEX if empty

if (this->size <= 0)


throw BADINDEX();


return this->data[this->size - 1];


template <class T>

T &MyVector<T>::operator[](int n)


// Throw BADINDEX if n doesn't exist

if (n > this->size - 1)


throw BADINDEX();


return this->data[n];


template <class T>

int MyVector<T>::getSize()


return this->size;


template <class T>

bool MyVector<T>::isEmpty()


bool isEmpty = true;

// Check if size is greater than 0

if (this->size > 0)


isEmpty = true;


return isEmpty;


template <class T>

void MyVector<T>::erase()


// Erase vector by deallocating and allocating a new one

// Reset size & capacity

this->size = 0;

this->capacity = 10;

// Create new empty array

T *temp = new T[this->capacity];

// Delete old array

delete[] this->data;

// Set current array to new array

this->data = temp;


template <class T>

void MyVector<T>::grow()


// Double capacity as instructions say

this->capacity *= 2;

T *temp = new T[this->capacity];

// Copy each array item over

for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)


temp[i] = this->data[i];


// Deallocate current array

delete[] this->data;

// Allocate new temp array

this->data = temp;


template <class T>

void MyVector<T>::shiftRight()


// Create a new array

T *temp = new T[this->capacity];

// Copy values over shifting one to the right

for (int i = 1; i < this->size + 1; i++)


temp[i] = this->data[i - 1];


// Deallocate current array

delete[] this->data;

// Allocate new temp array

this->data = temp;


template <class T>

void MyVector<T>::shiftLeft()


// Create new array

T *temp = new T[this->capacity];

for (int i = 1; i < this->size; i++)


temp[i - 1] = this->data[i];


// Deallocate current array

delete[] this->data;

// Allocate new temp array

this->data = temp;



Where is the memory leak located in the above code?


Expert Solution

Solution: Memory Leakage is a condition that occurs whenever a programmer allocates the memory to a variable within the program but forgets to deallocate the memory that is assigned to that variable at the end of the program. So, this memory is actually kept occupied by the variable even when the program has actually finished its execution and hence it cannot be used by some other variable, this phenomenon is known as memory leakage.

In the program code that is given above, the variable temp in method void MyVector<T>::shiftLeft(), is actually allocated the memory but this variable is never deallocated by the programmer due to which it would keep the memory assigned to it for an indefinite amount of time and hence this would lead to the memory leakage.

void MyVector<T>::shiftLeft()


// Create new array

T *temp = new T[this->capacity]; //Would lead to memory leakage as the variable is allocated the memory but not deallocated

for (int i = 1; i < this->size; i++)


temp[i - 1] = this->data[i];


// Deallocate current array

delete[] this->data;

// Allocate new temp array

this->data = temp;


Here's the solution to your question and it is absolutely correct, please please please provide it a 100% rating. Thanks for asking and happy learning!!

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