
In: Computer Science

#ifndef CONTAINER_H #define CONTAINER_H using namespace std; class container { public: // CONSTRUCTOR container(); ~container(); container(const...



using namespace std;

class container {





container(const container& c);

container& operator=(const container& c)


bool lookup(const int& target);

void remove(const int& target);

void add(const int& target); private:

struct node{

int key;

node *next;


node* head;

node* tail;



For a linked list based implementation of a container class shown above, implement the constructor, copy constructor, destructor and copy assignment functions.


Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for these four methods. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

//default constructor implementation
        //setting head and tail to NULL

//destructor implementation
        //looping until head is NULL
                //fetching and storing next of head
                node* nxt=head->next;
                //removing head
                delete head;
                //setting nxt as new head
        //setting tail to NULL

//copy constructor implementation
container::container(const container& c){
        //initializing head and tail to NULL
        //taking reference to head of c
        node* other=c.head;
        //looping until other is NULL
                //using add() method, adding other->key to this list
                //moving to next node

//copy assignment function implementation
container& container::operator=(const container& c){
        //repeating the same as previous method
        node* other=c.head;
        //returning a reference to current object.
        return *this;

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