In: Economics
The covid19 virus pandemic has streched almost all the area of life , Apart from a mere medical havoc, its impact affected many other areas like the economy, the human physiology and mental health . It obviously clear that there must be psychological devastation due to the pandemic .Resultent result of the epidemic doesn't confined in any one single area.Its impact on mental health is clear and crystal .From a survey conducted in the midmarch 2020 it is proved that the burden on the mental condition of people by the pandemic was very high . Womens section of society is the worst affected class when compared to men there has been a wide disparity in this case .Rojer Mc Intyre professer of trornto university , says " unfortunetly we have seen an uptick in inquiries and referrals our mental health treatment center" . The physical wealth impact of the pandemic are clear , and there is clearly a lot a stake ; but the mental health consequences should not be ignored or minimized, and a number of specialists have urged policy to take this carefully .
As the corona virus and its impact have spread across the country , the latest KFF health tracking poll conducted march 25-30 ., 2020 finds many of the gender differences persist, and atleast one has widend considerably. Women remains somewhat more likely than men to say their lives have been disrupted, "a lot" by the outbreak . Women overall are now 16% points more likely than men to say that the worry or stress related to the pandemic has had a negative effect on their mental health