
In: Computer Science

I was supposed to conver a singly linked list to a doubly linked list and everytime...

I was supposed to conver a singly linked list to a doubly linked list and everytime I run my program the output prints a bunch of random numbers constantly until I close the console.

Here is the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

struct node {
int data;

struct node *next;
struct node *prev;

//this always points to first link
struct node *head = NULL;

//this always points to last link
struct node *tail = NULL;

//return length of list
int sizeList (struct node *pointer)
int length = 0;
struct node *temp;

if(pointer == head)
for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> prev)
return length;

//insert element from last node
struct Node* insertLast (struct node *tail, int newelement)
struct node *temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp-> data = newelement;

if (tail == NULL){
head = temp;
tail = temp;
tail-> next = temp;
temp-> prev = tail;
//point last to new last node
tail = temp;

return tail;

void printList(struct node *pointer)
int length = 0;
struct node *temp;

//check if pointer is head and print head of node
if (pointer == head)
for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
printf("%d ", temp-> data);
//check if pointer is tail and print the list from tail node using previous pointer
for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> prev)
printf("%d ", temp-> data);


int get (struct node *pointer, int position)
struct node *temp;
int length = sizeList(pointer);
int tempPosition = 0;

if (length < position)
printf("Enter the position with in %d.", length);
return -1;
//check if pointer is head and return the element from the position
if (pointer == head)
for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
if(++tempPosition == position)
return temp-> data;
//check if pointer is tail and return the element from the position
for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = tail-> prev)
if (++tempPosition == position)
return temp-> data;
return 0;

//delete node from position
struct node* removeEle(struct node *head, int position)
struct node *temp = head, *deleteNode = NULL;
int i;

//traverse list until we get each position
for (i=1; i<position && temp != NULL; i++)
temp = temp-> next;

//if position is 1, move the head pointer to next and free node and return to head
if (position ==1)
deleteNode = temp;
temp = temp-> next;
temp-> prev = NULL;
head = temp;

free (deleteNode);
return head;

//if deleteNode is last position move the tail to previous node and free last node
else if (temp == tail)
deleteNode = tail;
tail = tail-> prev;
tail-> next = NULL;

return head;
//swap temp pointers to skip node
else if (temp != NULL)
temp-> prev-> next = temp-> next;
temp-> next-> prev = temp-> prev;

free(temp); //delete n node
return head;
printf("It's an invalid position..\n");
return head;

void reverseList(struct node *node)
//stop and return if node is null
if (!node)

//swap next and prev pointer of node
struct node* temp = node-> next;
node-> next = node-> prev;
node-> prev = temp;

//node of prev is null stop and update head and tail pointer
if(!node-> prev)
head = node;
if(head-> next == NULL)
tail = head;
struct node *temp = head;
while(temp-> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next;
tail = temp;
//invoke recursive api
reverseList(node-> prev);

int main()
struct Node *tail = NULL;

//insert element at last
tail = insertLast(tail, 10);
tail = insertLast(tail, 20);
tail = insertLast(tail, 30);
tail = insertLast(tail, 40);
tail = insertLast(tail, 50);

printf("Printing from Head: ");

printf("Printing from Tail: ");

printf("Size of list from Head: %d\n", sizeList(head));
printf("Size of list from Tail: %d\n", sizeList(tail));

//remove element from position 4
printf("Get the element from head at position 4: ");
int element = get(head, 4);

if(element != -1)
printf("%d\n", element);

//remove element from position 2
printf("Get the element from tail at position 2: ");
element = get(tail, 2);

if(element != -1)
printf("%d\n", element);

printf("Remove element from position 3\n");
head = removeEle(head, 3);

printf("Printing from Head after removal: ");

//invoke reverse list

printf("Printing from Head after reverseList: ");

printf("Printing from tail after reverseList: ");

return 0;


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

struct node {
        int data;
        struct node *next;
        struct node *prev;

//this always points to first link
struct node *head = NULL;

//this always points to last link
struct node *tail = NULL;

//return length of list
int sizeList (struct node *pointer)
        int length = 0;
        struct node *temp;
        if(pointer == head)
                for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
                for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> prev)
        return length;

//insert element from last node
struct node* insertLast (struct node *tail, int newelement)
        struct node *temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        temp-> data = newelement;
        //close link of new node
        temp->next = NULL;
        temp->prev = NULL;
        if (tail == NULL){
                head = temp;
                tail = temp;
                tail-> next = temp;
                temp-> prev = tail;
        //point last to new last node
        tail = temp;
        return tail;

void printList(struct node *pointer)
        int length = 0;
        struct node *temp;
        //check if pointer is head and print head of node
        if (pointer == head)
                for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
                printf("%d ", temp-> data);
        //check if pointer is tail and print the list from tail node using previous pointer
                for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> prev)
                printf("%d ", temp-> data);

int get (struct node *pointer, int position)
        struct node *temp;
        int length = sizeList(pointer);
        int tempPosition = 0;
        if (length < position)
                printf("Enter the position with in %d.", length);
                return -1;
        //check if pointer is head and return the element from the position
        if (pointer == head)
                for (temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp-> next)
                        if(++tempPosition == position)
                                return temp-> data;
        //check if pointer is tail and return the element from the position
        for (temp = tail; temp != NULL; temp = tail-> prev)
        if (++tempPosition == position)
        return temp-> data;
        return 0;

//delete node from position
struct node* removeEle(struct node *head, int position)
        struct node *temp = head, *deleteNode = NULL;
        int i;
        //traverse list until we get each position
        for (i=1; i<position && temp != NULL; i++)
                temp = temp-> next;
        //if position is 1, move the head pointer to next and free node and return to head
        if (position ==1)
                deleteNode = temp;
                temp = temp-> next;
                temp-> prev = NULL;
                head = temp;
                free (deleteNode);
                return head;
        //if deleteNode is last position move the tail to previous node and free last node
        else if (temp == tail)
                deleteNode = tail;
                tail = tail-> prev;
                tail-> next = NULL;
                return head;
        //swap temp pointers to skip node
        else if (temp != NULL)
                temp-> prev-> next = temp-> next;
                temp-> next-> prev = temp-> prev;
                free(temp); //delete n node
                return head;
                printf("It's an invalid position..\n");
                return head;

void reverseList(struct node *node)
        //stop and return if node is null
        if (!node)
        //swap next and prev pointer of node
        struct node* temp = node-> next;
        node-> next = node-> prev;
        node-> prev = temp;
        //node of prev is null stop and update head and tail pointer
        if(!node-> prev)
                head = node;
                if(head-> next == NULL)
                        tail = head;
                struct node *temp = head;
                while(temp-> next != NULL)
                        temp = temp -> next;
                tail = temp;
        //invoke recursive api
        reverseList(node-> prev);

int main()
        //tail is already dedclared global varialbe
//      struct node *tail = NULL;
        //insert element at last
        tail = insertLast(tail, 10);
        tail = insertLast(tail, 20);
        tail = insertLast(tail, 30);
        tail = insertLast(tail, 40);
        tail = insertLast(tail, 50);
        printf("Printing from Head: ");
        printf("Printing from Tail: ");
        printf("Size of list from Head: %d\n", sizeList(head));
        printf("Size of list from Tail: %d\n", sizeList(tail));
        //remove element from position 4
        printf("Get the element from head at position 4: ");
        int element = get(head, 4);
        if(element != -1)
        printf("%d\n", element);
        //remove element from position 2
        printf("Get the element from tail at position 2: ");
        element = get(tail, 2);
        if(element != -1)
                printf("%d\n", element);
        printf("Remove element from position 3\n");
        head = removeEle(head, 3);
        printf("Printing from Head after removal: ");
        //invoke reverse list
        printf("Printing from Head after reverseList: ");
        printf("Printing from tail after reverseList: ");
        return 0;


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