
In: Computer Science

This is the code what I have for doubly linked list for STACK. This is Python...

This is the code what I have for doubly linked list for STACK. This is Python language and I want anyone to help me with the following questions. Can you check for me if it is good Doubly Linked List?


ADD the Following feature:

Include a class attribute in the container class called name.

In the implementation - Pod:

You should ask the user to enter the name of the container and the program should add the container to the Pod repeatedly.

Once done, You should ask the user which container to remove from the Pod. When the user gives the name of the container,

the program should go through the Pod and remove that container alone from the Pod.

Clue: Remember if you want to remove one item from the Stack, you should use only the top to remove. So if you want to remove the fifth item from the top of the Stack, you should remove all the four items above it, remove the fifth item and then put back all the four items in the same order.

Write a method called removeNamedContainer in Pod program for implementing the above.


class  container:

    def __init__(self, data): = data = None

        self.previous = None

class Pod:

    def __init__(self):

        self.head = None

    def addContainer(self, data):

        if self.head == None:

            self.head = container(data)


            newContainer = container(data)

   = self.head

            self.head = newContainer

        print(data + " Stacked to the Ship")

    def removeContainer(self):

        if self.empty():

            return None


            removedContainer = self.head

            self.head =

   = None

            print( + " Un-Stacked from the Ship")

    def empty(self):

        if self.head == None:

            return True


            return False

MyPod = Pod()

MyPod.addContainer("Container 1")


MyPod.addContainer("Container 2")

MyPod.addContainer("Container 3")


MyPod.addContainer("Container 4")

MyPod.addContainer("Container 5")



MyPod.addContainer("Container 6")


Expert Solution

#class for each node
class container:
def __init__(self,name): = name = None
self.previous = None

class Pod:

#initialize head as None
def __init__(self):
self.head = None

#method to add a node
def addContainer(self,name):
if(self.head == None): #if linked list is not created, create it
self.head = container(name)
#else put current node before head and make it head
newContainer = container(name) = self.head
newContainer.previous = None
self.head.previous = newContainer
self.head = newContainer
print(name,"stacked to the ship")

#method to remove a node
def removeNamedContainer(self,name):

#if head is not present, it means list is empty
if(self.head == None):
print("Pod is empty")
temp = self.head
while( != name): #loop till node required is not found
temp =
if(temp == None): #if entire list is traversed, break
if(temp == None): #if entire list is traversed but node not found, display it
print(name,"not found in Pod")

#connect previous node with next node
#given both exist

prev = temp.previous
nxt =
if(prev != None): = nxt
if(nxt != None):
nxt.previous = prev

#if head is removed, make next node as head
if(temp == self.head):
self.head =

#method to print linked list
def printPod(self):
if self.head == None:
temp = self.head
while(temp != None):
print(,end=", ")
temp =

choice = 'y'
p = Pod() #create pod object

#loop till data insertion is not done
while(choice != 'n' and choice != 'N'):
choice = input("Enter another value in Pod? y/n\t")
if(choice == 'y' or choice == 'Y'):
name = input("Enter name of container:\t")
choice = 'y'
#loop till data removal is not done
while(choice != 'n' and choice != 'N'):
choice = input("Remove another value from Pod? y/n\t")
if(choice == 'y' or choice == 'Y'):
name = input("Enter name of container to be removed:\t")

Code screenshot for indentation help:

Sample execution:

In case of any doubt, drop a comment and I'll surely get back to you.

Please give a like if you're satisfied with the answer. Thank you.

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