
In: Psychology

What are some other topics that ethicist look at within the field of distributive justice. Explore...

What are some other topics that ethicist look at within the field of distributive justice. Explore one such issue briefly including a brief mention of the two sides of a debate on that issue .


Expert Solution

Distributive justice is based on the idea of a fair and equal distribution or division of risks And benefits across the different parties involved in interpersonal interactions, social conflicts between groups or economic competition over limited resources. Thus, the distributions of benefits and burdens resulting from them fundamentally affect people’s lives and this is considered a social the main principle which guides the notion of distributive justice in a society.

However, there are other considerations as well which may determine the nature of distributive justice. Strict Egalitarianis emphasies on the allocation of equal material goods to all members of society. Then a second idea isn’t that’s of John Rawls’ alternative distributive principle, called the Difference Principle, which looks at the notion of distribution of justice in terms of its impact on the least advantaged in society and considers even some inequality to be viewed as permissible if it makes the weaker groups materially better off than they would be under strict equality.

The difference principle provides an interesting approach to the settling the notion of equality and justice as it assumes that justice is not matter of a strict structured system of allocation of resources. Rather, it is a relative term which can be reinterpreted according to the context of the recipients of distributive justice. Thus, it allows two contrasting views to participate in the discourse on the allocation oresoures. the welfare-based utilitarian principles do not believe the primary distributive concern should be material goods and services themselves in considering the allocation of resources. Instead, They argue that material goods and services have intrinsic value in so far as they increase welfare. Hence, distributive principles should be assessed according to how they influence welfare of a particular group. In contrast, Advocates of libertarian principles criticize any distributive ideal that requires the pursuit of specific goals, such as maximization or equality of welfare or of material goods. They argue that the pursuit of such patterns conflicts with the more important moral demands of liberty or self-ownership.

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