
In: Operations Management

b This semester three books were recommended for reading. Each of these books will provide you...


This semester three books were recommended for reading. Each of these books will provide you valuable takeaways for your personal and professional future. As an extra credit opportunity you can choose one of the recommended books and write a 1-2 double spaced summary and reflection.

  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Covey
  • Good to Great – Collins
  • How to Win Friends & Influence People – Carnegie

please good answers


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Topics to be covered in brief:

  1. Techniques of handling people
  2. secret of dealing with people
  3. influencing people to like you
  4. steps to be welcomed anywhere & to become good conversationalist
  5. cooperation& how to win hearts
  6. how to avoid competition and enemies
  7. accepting the mistakes
  8. reflection

1. Techniques of handling people:

  • The best way to tackle any situation is to avoid criticism in the conversation. Criticism in an argument makes the opponent to justify their situations always. Therefore the Criticism should not be done in any conversation or argument as it will hurt the pride of person and also their sense of importance.
  • The good behavior will be able to attract more people around you. The example of animal says that the animal understanding the good behavior will be able to learn and adapt more than other. This means that the nature and positivity matters a lot in the person.
  • The complain will never solve the issues instead resolve silently. The saying that don’t comment on others doormat when your own doormat is unclean fit properly over here. The greatness by the person will be showed by the gesture he greets with other. Complaining on each and every matter attracts negative energy and resolving silently attracts positive energy.
  • The sense of belongingness should be developing in other person as well. The urge of people to meet you or greet you when developed means that person is completely influence by your gestures.
  • Therefore avoiding the Criticism and complain will help in handling people and situations

2. Secret of dealing with peoples:

  • The best way is to understand them and there want only than you can make them do anything. The humans are compelled to do something only when that force is of making them feel important. This feeling of importance will help the human to understand the other need and this develop the sense of necessity amongst them.
  • Not only this feeling should be developing by other but this feeling should be developing for inner self. The e.g. feeding the needed one, taking someone to the hospitals. The sense of that what would have happened in case you were not present in that situation the person might die out of starving or the person if not taken to hospital on time may die on the road. This feeling that you are important to yourself and to other will win the hearts of others.
  • Understand other and appreciate on the right time. Let people know that their hard work paid off.
  • Make the people comfortable with you so that they can speak their heart out to you.

3. Influencing people to like you

  • The people follow the approach of initiatives. The person will like you only if you are able to hear him out properly.The way you develop the feelig amongst others of being important and make them feel important is best you can do. This make the other easy to communicate their things
  • The gesture from your end will have influence effect. An initiate to shake hand first or to smile first or to greet first. These will help you to create the influencing power in yourself and the other may get attract to you.
  • To understand those by listening or paying attention to them properly like what they speak how they speak what they comfortable with are or even minute details like the meaning of the name and how sweet the name is. All these thinks may help people like you.
  • Encouraging the other to speak first. This will help you to make them feel desired and important. Talking about what are their preference and interest will make them create the positive environment and the person may feel the essence of that environment.

4. Steps to be welcomed anywhere & to become good conversationalist

  • The good conversationalist is the person who allows other to speak above him. The ability to listen and create interest in their preference can become good conversationalist. Winning the debate without arguing it is the best example suited for this line.
  • Honestly and integrity. These are the two forces in the person. The person having these attributes in welcome everywhere weather formal or informal discussion.
  • Greeting everyone equally. The President of White house greets everyone even the servants and maids with names. The success is not in the mind. The humanity and humble behavior when you become success is mostly judged. Therefore equality is must.
  • Every time people meet they are judged by their clothes the way they speak or the accent they have. If you will stop judging on these materialistic things you can become the good conversationalist.

5. Cooperation and how to win hearts

  • The way you can win heart of others is never prove them wrong. To avoid the argument is the act that will help you win that argument.
  • Friendly attitude: Helping in needs and cooperating with the other will create the impact of you on others.
  • Influencing the people to agreeing in what you said.
  • Develop the feeling of Empathy in yourself and respect everyone rich or poor , senior or junior
  • become the good listener
  • Giving the credit to the desired one. Let them believe in their ideas.
  • The positive image you carry demonstrate a lot of thing about you therefore the nature you carry is important.

6. How to avoid competition and Enemies

  • Enemy can be defeated not from strength but from mind development.
  • Taking everything on ego is what people follow. Till the time they are appreciated the will win hearts but the time someone will prove them wrong will be taken on ego and the sense of competition is developed
  • Therefore always respect the other opinion and don’t prove them wrong at least not in front of public.
  • The curiosity of asking question to the opponent about the speech they gave or about the expertise they have will avoid the enemy feeling in him
  • Take yourself as the example. Instead of highlighting their mistake highlights yours.
  • If you have suggested something kindly check that the person is not following it due to pressure instead is happy about that suggestion.
  • Respect and reputation is needed.

7. Accept your mistakes

  • Never initiate the argument if you are the losing party and when your own steps are dirty.
  • Criticize yourself and respect the decision of others
  • Always remember you are not dealing with machines instead you are dealing with people who have emotions and pride. Therefore never humiliate them for your own mistakes.
  • Let be you the example. Talk about the failures the mistakes the rejection as this will motivate other.

8. Reflection: The above is the summary of the book. The book contains the story line where all the above attributed are highlighted. These are the brief summary out of the story given in the book. This author has attempted to make you understand that respecting other, making them feel important and understating there needs and wants is the best way to win them

In an organization the employee is suppressed by the senior. However the employer should have the above attribute in him only than he can understand the employees’ nature and importance.

From the above discussion we can conclude that in an organization as well there is a need to understand the employees and what he wants.

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