In: Nursing
Essay on 5 paragraphs the topic is :
health and Medicine
Underline your thesis statement
Underline the main idea sentence
Underline the re-stated thesis statement
Answering of these questions:
Introduction(paragraph 1)
Life style diseases have rising effects on health care system. Life style diseases had become a challenge to the modern health care system.Health care is a system of assessing ,diagnosis and treatment of health problems .The diseases or health problems are broadly classified as communicable and non communicable diseases.Communicable disease can be spread from person to person and non communicable disease doesnot spread from person to person.A new concept of illness which is a part of non communicable disease is lifestyle disease,which occurs as a part of change in life style.
(Paragraph 2)
Obesity is one of the common life style problem in all age group.It can result in a wide range of morbidity and mortality.It can result in problems like hypertension and diabetes.
other points to include in this paragraph;
(Paragraph 3)
Stress is another life style disease affecting a large number of people inspite of age.Stress may be a result of some disease,work place stress,financial stress or stress related to studies.Stress also result in many associated problems like hypertension,chronic, headache gastric problems and mood swings.
other points to include in this paragraph;
(Paragraph 4)
`Advancement in technologies had made human life easy , but increased use of technology is resulting in many health problems.Over use of internet results in problems like head ache,back pain ,visual problems,obesity and stress.We are in a age of manpower being replaced by machines.It may result in increased production but unemployment and financial problems increases.
Conclusion(Paragraph 5)
Life style diseases have rising effect on health care system.This is the concept discussed above .The conditions discussed are obesity,stress and health problems related to increased use of technology.The main problem health care facing today is life style diseases,many are loosing their life in the early ages.A huge fund in health care is being spent for the management of these diseases.The main highlight of these diseases are they are preventable.Changes in life style can prevent these diseases.So health care should focus on measures to prevent these disease are reduce the burden of illness in the community.