
In: Psychology

The idea that the proper functioning of a democratic society required citizens to be educated was...

The idea that the proper functioning of a democratic society required citizens to be educated was a key idea behind the creation of free public education in the U.S. Why do you think leaders believed democracy required education? What do you think is the relationship between democracy and education? Do you think education is important for the economic development of poorer countries? Why or why not? What about gender equality in education? What kinds of changes would need to be made if the mainstream U.S. education system were to embrace the ideas of multiple intelligences? What would be some advantages and disadvantages to these changes? In what ways is inequality perpetuated through higher education? What could be done to change this?


Expert Solution

Education is one of the most important gifts one could receive in one’s life, especially in a democracy an educated citizen is an asset. Although education prepares one for a better career and life, it would also teach them cooperation, tolerance, acceptance and fairness. In a democracy, there would be differences that might require tolerance and acceptance which could be instilled through education. It is this educated individuals who brought the change in most of the countries.

I strongly believe that education is the foremost thing that would help the poor countries improve through technological advancement, better perspective about life, utilizing the available resources effectively and finding solution to the day today problems of the people. Education will raise their bar and make them equal with everyone where they can discuss things in a more convincing manner. Gender differences in education is a bygone era because everyone in the country has equal rights to education, employment and benefits.

One of the major difficulty with today’s society is that it gives more or complete attention to mathematical and linguistic abilities while ignoring the other intelligences. People are different and they do things which they like and do naturally. So, it becomes very important to use the multiple intelligent concept in order to bring more equality in the educational institutions. Higher Educational institutions are way too costly where economically poor students can’t get into thus sacrificing their dreams and the opportunity of coming up in life through education. The rich on the other hand is able to get into them using their money even though they are not eligible on the merit. People should be given enough opportunities to prove themselves and money shouldn’t stand in their way. Government should make sure that all get their educational rights despite their economic status.

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