
In: Operations Management

Explain the methods for evaluating and reporting on mentoring programs. Answer in 200-250 words.

Explain the methods for evaluating and reporting on mentoring programs. Answer in 200-250 words.


Expert Solution

For evaluating the mentoring programs it is important to assess the impact, outcome and changes introduced by it as evident in the organisational culture or performance output mentees.

The evaluation of mentor program starts with analysing and observing the changes in the behavior, attitude, work performance, and job methods of mentees which will help to ascertain the level of improvements or increase in the level of productivity.

The evaluation of mentoring program will include direct or indirect approach. The direct approach will involve interviewing the members of mentor program and investigating about what they learnt and how they can apply this knowledge and skill set in their daily routine. Questions asked can be qualitative asking them about how mentorship helped them. While the indirect approach of mentorship evaluation will involve preparing a questionnaire wherein questions regarding mentorship benefits and impact wil be asked. Apart from participants, mentor program can be well evaluated also through investigating the efforts , support, guidance and participation of mentors in helping the proteges to learn, specialise and acquire new skill sets and information.

The target set and the goals established for mentorship program will help to find out how successful the mentorship program has proved through evaluating the degree and extend to which these goals or objectives have been accomplished.


For reporting the mentorship program to the concerned authority it is best to first highlight all the positive aspects of mentorship program. The benefits, significance and changes brought by the mentorship program should be reflected to highlight the importance of the program. Then the shortcomings of mentorship program should be demonstrated along with root cause or reasons for such deviations. The reporting should also include the various suggestions to eliminate the shortcomings to make mentorship programs organised in future more effective. Moreover feedback from both mentors as well as mentees will be included to make the reporting more relevant and authentic.



Thanks dear student.. Hope I explained well

Good luck and rate if satisfied :)

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