
In: Advanced Math

2. Let G be a bipartite graph with 10^7 left vertices and 20 right vertices. Two...

2. Let G be a bipartite graph with 10^7 left vertices and 20 right vertices. Two vertices u, v are called twins if the set of neighbors of u equals the set of neighbors of v (triplets, quadruplets etc are defined similarly). Show that G has twins. Show that G has triplets. What about quadruplets, etc.?

3. Show that there exists a bipartite graph with 10^5 left vertices and 20 right vertices without any twins.

4. Show that any graph with n vertices and δ(G) ≥ n/2 + 1 has a triangle.


Expert Solution

2. First part:

The set of neighbours of a left vertex is a subset of the set of the right vertices. Since there are of right vertices, there are subsets of right vertices. Thus, the set of neighbours of a left vertex must be one of these subsets of right vertices. Now suppose that there are no twins; we will derive contradiction. The set of neighbours of every left vertex is different from that of any other left vertex. That is, there must be at least set of neighbours, which means at least subsets of right vertices. Thus, we must have . Taking logarithm, this means

which is absurd. Hence, must have twins.

Second part:

Now suppose that there are no triples; we will derive contradiction. Every subset of right vertices can be the set of neighbours of at most two left vertices. Let be the set of right vertices and be the set of left vertices. Let be power set of , and be the function given as follows:

This function is such that means . Then, above means for all . But this means there are at most left vertices, so that . Taking logarithm, this means

which is absurd. Hence, must have triples.

Third part:

For quadruples, the above arguments (which are essentially pigeon-hole principle) do not apply.

3. Let and . There are nonempty subsets of . Let us call them . Note that (by calculator). Hence, the function , given by is well-defined. Now consider the bipartite graph where if and only if . This is a bipartite graph, and it has no twin because the neighbour function is injective.

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