
In: Operations Management

A marketing research firm has instructed its research associates to collect primary data by stopping people...

  1. A marketing research firm has instructed its research associates to collect primary data by stopping people at a shopping mall or busy street corner and request an interview on the spot. Which contact method is being used by the researchers in this case? What probable risk may the researchers face while using this method?
  2. As a marketing researcher of a firm, you plan to conduct behavioral research to develop marketing insight. What procedure would you follow in this case?
  3. What is the chief advantage of using each of the following contact methods: mail questionnaire, telephone interview, and personal interview?


Expert Solution

1 when any marketing research firm hire a person for the market research outside of the shopping mall or busy street and he requests for any thing that he want to show to them for this he prepare some question and some contact method they are as follows

When a person is standing outside of shopping mall or busy street so one thing he can do by saying excuse me please listen I have very good thing for you have a look towards it so no of person can get attract towards that product and they starts listening of that person if they want to purchase it then they can purchase otherwise they can go but it often very rarely because no of person don’t want to listen anything from strangers or from the person who is standing outside of the shopping mall or busy street so he can face this type of risk it may be he offered his product to 50-100 person only 20-30 give a look and listen patientlyand from of them only 10-15 purchase that thing otherwise no of people are busy now a days they don’t want to listen anything from any strangers who is standing outside of shopping mall or any busy street

2 As a marketing research of the firm I will follow following research for the behaviour research of persons to develop marketing

· I would like to suggest that we can add our questionnaire to the aid of some popular internet sites like face book and social networking sites etc

· We can send mail to the person for asking about their feedback regarding our product and we can ask that will you recommend our product to your friends or not ?

· We can give advertisement in the news paper and TV for our newly launched product so that no of person can aware about our product

· And last I will do market research from marketing person that they will go door to door and ask about the product and explain them for the reliability and quality of our product

3 Chief advantage of using mail questionnaire, telephonic interview and personal interview are as follows

· When we do marketing form mail questionnaire, telephone interview and personal interview so it saves our time

· Form the ease of home we can send no of mail and we can contact no of person within few minutes after that we can get their response either they are interested in our product or not

· They all are very cheap method of marketing because if we will do marketing from these modes so we can get in contact of no of people in very less expenses

· It gives huge output also we can explain more easily to any one by sending mail questionnaire or if you have high convincing ability so you can convince anyone from phone or from telephone

· It is very easy to send questionnaire through mail, telephone or personal interview so it is very cheap method with higher output

· So all above listed points shows the chief effect of mail questionnaire, telephone interview and personal interview

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