Supply chain management is the
management of the flow of goods and services and
includes all processes that transform raw materials into final
products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's
supply-side activities to maximize customer value
and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

components of SCM
- Planning
- Sourcing
- Making
- Delivering
- Returning
- Enabling
Supply chain of Coca
- Coca cola supply chain divided as parts for good supply chain
;all parts want to be good
- Coca cola company gets in formations from this information they
will decide the manufacturing quantity
- For a better supply chain information follow and material
follow want to be very efficient and affective
- According to the information follow and orders they make plans
about manufacturing.
- They keep stock in warehouses for the demand and orders then
company will distribute the stock for customers
People: Be a great place to work where people
are inspired to be the best they can be.
Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of
quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's
desires and needs.
Partners: Nurture a winning network of
customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring
Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a
difference by helping build and support sustainable
Profit: Maximize long-term return to
shareowners while being mindful of our overall
Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and
fast-moving organization.
Coca-Cola values serve as a compass for our actions and describe
how we behave in the world.
Leadership: The courage to shape a better
Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
Integrity: Be real
Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to
Passion: Committed in heart and mind
Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
Quality: What we do, we do well.
Focus on the
- Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise
- Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn
- Process a world view
- Focus on execution in the marketplace every day
- Be insatiably curious
Inventory control by coca cola
- The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model
Transport in coca cola
- Use highways to transport product across the land
- Use international airports to transport goods to other
countries in the world
- Use deep water ports to ship cargo to other countries in the
Importance Of Supply Chain
Drivers To Coca-Cola Company
- Information is nothing but the
customer needs and wants.
- Coca-Cola need fast and accurate
flow of information through their supply chain to be competitive in
the beverage industry.
- In the Coca-Cola Company,
information builds the connection between various stages in SC and
allows coordination between stages
- The company use SAP ERP web base
software to get real time information from the field.
- They requires information to plan
their production, marketing campaign, demand forecasting ,inventory
level and optimizing transportation etc.
- Information is the key to
successful supply-chain management because no product flows until
information flows
mportance of facility
- To void the unnecessary wastage
- To make resources work together
- To maximize value and minimize costs
- To maximize productivity
- To navigates the requirements and mitigates the risk.
Facility in coca cola
- Locations
- Bottling plants are spread world wild
- Warehouses are located in every countries
- Modern technology
- High-tech machinery
- greener bottles (2009)
- Social Networking( facebook , twitter)
- Freestyle Dispensers (allows you to create your own beverage by
choosing from over 100 drinks )
- Online Advertising • Recycling( bottles )
- Is made from responsibly-sourced materials
- Is designed to be effective and safe throughout its life
- Meets market criteria for performance and cost • meets consumer
choice and expectations
- Is recovered efficiently after use wherever possible
- Coca-Cola Company manufactures and sells concentrates, beverage
bases and syrups to bottling operations(outsourced) and also do the
marketing initiatives.
- Their bottling partners manufacture, package, merchandise and
distribute the final branded beverages to their customers and
vending partners, who then sell their products to consumers.
- Coca-Cola company have more than 250 bottling partners
- Considerable amount of Coca-Cola’s supply chain is handled by
the out sourced parties.
- Therefore sourcing is very important driver of Coca- Cola’s
supply chain
- Soft drink industries become more and more competitive since
new productions come out from world leading companies such as
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple, Nestle, Suntory.
- Price is a key factor that determines market share of Coca-Cola
in the industry Inventory CostResponsive ness Inventory Cost
Responsive ness
- Thus there is a trade off between price and
- Then Coca-Cola needs to pay more attention toward this trade
off to be in game
Strategies Coca-Cola used to manage its supply chain
- Focus on aggressive marketing
- Operating through push strategy- customer order
- Use A-B-C classification for inventory handling
- SAP enable web base platform
How to improve supply chain drivers
1) Establishing supply chain guiding principles
- Focus on metrics needing no manual intervention
- Focus on metrics to drive profit consistency and metric
consistency across the supply chain
- Focus on industry standards that are not Coke specific
- Develop a robust system for reporting hierarchies that change
when business changes
2) Installing a three-phase approach
- Proof of concept-Primarily to validate functionality,
scalability and flexibility
- Foundation phase-Create a robust foundation for metrics and
reporting, a measurement that’s easy to implement out of the
- Exploitation phase-Identify long-term metrics and improve them
on an ongoing basis 3) Support continuous improvement with an
end-to-end view of performance and root- cause analysis
4) Align supply chain strategies with corporate objectives
5) Analyze information to meet customer needs