
In: Computer Science

(CODE IN PYTHON) Program Input: Your program will display a welcome message to the user and...


Program Input:

Your program will display a welcome message to the user and a menu of options for the user to choose from.

Welcome to the Email Analyzer program. Please choose from the following options:

  1. Upload text data

  2. Find by Receiver

  3. Download statistics

  4. Exit the program

Program Options

Option 1: Upload Text Data

If the user chooses this option, the program will

  1. Prompt the user for the file that contains the data.

  2. Read in the records in an appropriate structure/class

Input File Format:

To_Email From_Email Time

Sample Input File:

[email protected] [email protected] 19:24

[email protected] [email protected] 12:17

[email protected] [email protected] 03:58

[email protected] [email protected] 05:45

Write a function called UploadTextData to do this task. Choose the appropriate parameters and return type.

Once done reading in the file, the main menu will be displayed again.

Option 2: Find by Receiver

If the user chooses this option, the program will ask the user for the receiver’s email. The program will list the time and sender of all emails this email received

Sample Output:

[email protected] received the following emails:

Write a function called PrintEmails to do this task. Choose the appropriate parameters and return type.

Once done printing, the main menu will be displayed again.

Option 3: Download Statistics

If the user chooses this option, the program will create a statistics file with the following data:

  1. A print out of all the emails received. Each line should have a To, From and Time. (Example: From [email protected] to [email protected] at 19:24)

  2. Email address that received the most emails

  3. Number of emails within the same domain/organization (same address after the @)

  4. A list of all domains that sent emails (From field) and the number of emails received from each of these domains.

The statistics file will have the same name as the input file but with _stats.txt appended to it.

For example, if the input file was named data.txt, the stats file will be named data_stats.txt.

Note: It will remove the .txt from data.txt, before adding the _stats.txt. It will NOT create a file with the name data.txt_stats.txt. You can use the string substr method to remove the last 4 characters from the file name.

Write a function called CreateStatsFile to do this task. Choose the appropriate parameters and return type.

Once done creating the statistics file, the main menu will be displayed again.

Option 4: Exit the Program

If the user chooses this option, the program will exit.

Note: If any other option (other than exit) is chosen, the task will be performed and then the menu will be displayed again.



Expert Solution


# definign class to store the sender receiver and time
class Record:

   # defining constructor
   def __init__(self, receiver, sender, time):
       self.receiver = receiver
       self.sender = sender
       self.time = time

# definition of record class ends here

# intialize list to contain each record
data_list = []

# initialize a variable to store input data file name
# it will be used for naming outputfile
input_file_name = ""

# defining function UploadTextData
def UploadTextData(data_file_name):

   # create a data_list to store each record in file
   data_list = []

   #open file in read mode
   file = open(data_file_name, "r")

   for line in file:

       # create an object of record class
       # here replace("\n", "") replace new line of time with null string
       record = Record(line.split(" ")[0], line.split(" ")[1], line.split(" ")[2].replace("\n", ""))

       #store record in local data_list

   #return data_list
   return data_list

#end of UploadTextData definition

# defining function print email
def PrintEmails(receiver_email):

   #initialize count variable to store number of mail received
   count = 0

   for record in data_list:
       if(receiver_email == record.receiver):
           count = count + 1
           if(count == 1):
               print(receiver_email ," received the following emails: ")
           print("From ", record.sender ," at", record.time , "\n")

   if count == 0:
       print(receiver_email ," received zero email\n")

# end of definition of method PrintEnails


   #display the menu
   print("Welcome to the Email Analyzer program. Please choose from the following options:\n")
   print("1. Upload text data.\n")
   print("2. Find by Receiver.\n")
   print("3. Download statistics.\n")
   print("4. Exit the program.\n")

   #get the choice
   choice = int(input("Enter your option number: "))

   if(choice == 1):
       # propmpt the user for data file name
       data_file_name = input("Enter data file name: ")

       # store input file name
       input_file_name = data_file_name

       #call the function UploadTextData and store return value in global data_list
       data_list = UploadTextData(data_file_name)

       if(len(data_list) != 0):
           print("file uploaded secceessfully...\n")

   if(choice == 2):
       # ask the user to enter receiver email
       receiver_email = input("Enter receiver's email: ")


   if(choice == 3):
       # create a file with by appending _stats.txt to input file name
       outputfile_name = input_file_name.replace(".txt", "_stats.txt")

       # create a statistic file and open in write mode
       statistic_file = open(outputfile_name, "w+")

       # printout all the email received in statistic_file
       for record in data_list:
           string_list = ["From ", record.sender, " to " , record.receiver, " at ", record.time]


       # Email address that received the most emails
       frequency = {}
       for record in data_list:
           if record.receiver in frequency:
               frequency[record.receiver] = frequency[record.receiver] + 1

               frequency[record.receiver] = 1

       # write the Email address that received the most emails into output file
       statistic_file.write(max(frequency, key=frequency.get))

       # finding Number of emails within the same domain/organization (same address after the @)
       same_domain = {}
       for record in data_list:
           if record.receiver.split("@")[1].rstrip() in same_domain:
               same_domain[record.receiver.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = same_domain[record.receiver.split("@")[1].rstrip()] + 1;

               same_domain[record.receiver.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = 1

           if record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip() in same_domain:
               same_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = same_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] + 1;

               same_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = 1

       # writing number of emails in same domain into output file
       for domain in same_domain:
           statistic_file.writelines(["Domain ", domain, " has ", str(same_domain.get(domain)) ," number of emails"])

       # finding list of domains that sends the mail and number of mails received from each of these domains
       sender_domain = {}

       for record in data_list:
           if record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip() in sender_domain:
               sender_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = sender_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] + 1;

               sender_domain[record.sender.split("@")[1].rstrip()] = 1

       domain_list = []
       for domain in sender_domain:
           domain_list.append(" ")

       # write this domain_list to file

       #writing number of eamils recieved from each of these emails
       for domain in sender_domain:
           list1 = ["Nmber of emails received from domain : " , domain, " is ", str(sender_domain[domain])]
           # write into file

       # close the output file

   if(choice == 4):




#input data file data.txt


#OUTPUT DATA FILE data_stats.txt

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