
In: Psychology

We live in a society that venerates youth. As we grow older, our physical and cognitive...

We live in a society that venerates youth. As we grow older, our physical and cognitive abilities often begin to deteriorate, which can lead us searching for a way to return to our younger days. Think of all the lotions and potions available to keep us all looking and feeling young. It’s a billion dollar industry. TV, movies and magazines are filled with young people and often stereotype older adults. We are often surprised by people who “age well” because we’ve bought in to a particular idea of what it means to age in this country. My guess is that the older you are, the more you’ve noticed this.

Describe an individual who defies the stereotypes of aging. This can be a friend, relative or someone famous. Make sure to identify the stereotypes that this person has overcome. Include a photo, video, or article link if possible. Explain how this person has been able to defy the stereotypes associated with aging. What have they done that has helped them avoid the “typical” journey into late adulthood?


Expert Solution

Ageing is an individual process, some may age and be able to defy stereotypes on their own but some may age and need a little help from a home care company to do these things. This is why help exists, it allows you to focus on continuing to live the life you love, doing the things you enjoy. Regardless of your age, help lets you do what you want, when you want

Here I am going to discuss one of my close friends case who defied the stereotypes of Ageing.

Asmit is my friend. Though he is in his 60’s he is full of life. He wants to enjoy every moment of life as long as he is alive.After retirement from his service, he entered into the the business of farming. He utilized his ancestral property for this purpose and grows various kinds of vegetables. Every day morning he goes to his field and watering his fields. Then he plucks vegetables and takes to nearby market, where he sales those vegetables. More importantly, he is alone doing all these activities. In the evening he goes to meet his friends and spends time with them. Whenever I asks him how he is managing all these affairs, he simply says that it is his determination and motivation that helps him to do all these activities in spite of old age.

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