In: Accounting
Most of the businesses are focused on producing the quality products and satisfy the customers needs. Businesses are responsible to sell a good quality product , in case a customer recieves a defect peace then company will be the responsible for the same.They will give a proper guidance and trail runs to the customers before start using the product and also gives and assurance on the product in the form of warranty and guarantee,here we have to know these two things very clearly 1st one warranty it means campany will give assurance to their customers that the product got any damages or repairs upto certain period of time , company will repair the product . 2nd one guarantee , it means if the product is facing problem in that case company will provide a new product to the customers instead of repairing the same ofcourse this will done only after satisfying the terms and conditions. If the customers wantedly or carelessly damages their own product then in that case company will not be responsible . Some of the products will have free services upto certain period of time, we can found this type of services mostly in motor vehicles and some electronic products , to keep the product safe even after sales done this type of services termed as post sale services. Some third party companies will also provide the services to safeguard the product by charging certain periodical premium amount only after meeting the terms and conditions.No business will be responsible for the carelessness using of the product and gets damaged or anything, except in the cases of warranty and guarantee.